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[1] Lo, H.P.; Zhang, N. and Lam, W.H.K. Lam (1996). Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrix with Random Link Choice Proportions: A Statistical Approach. Transpn. Res., Vol.30B, No4, 309-324. EI检索(序列号96073259092),SCI检索(序列号0191-2615(95)00036-4),引用次数23。
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[20] 杨小宝,张宁:拥挤交通流的行为分析与仿真建模,系统工程,2006,24(3):25-28。
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[24] 张国强,张宁:外国直接投资、内资工业与珠江三角洲集装箱港口发展经验研究,集装箱运输,2006,7:1-4
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[26] 张宁,张国强: 交通运输与经济发展的适应性--理论与实证(王庆云主编:交通运输发展理论与实践,上),中国科学技术出版社,2006,11:128-393。
[27] 张宁:关于交通资源优化配置的几个问题,综合运输,2007,1:8-11。
[28] Heydecker, Lam and Zhang Ning(2007), Use of travel demand satisfaction to assess road network reliability,transportmetrica,Vol.3, No.2:139-171. SCI检索
[29] Yang, XB, Zhang, N (2007), Effects of the number of lanes on highway capacity, PROCEEDINGS OF 2007 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (14TH), VOLS 1-3 : 351-356. EI检索
[30] Zhu Ji-shuang, Zhang Ning, Zonal absorption capacity and service level of urban road networks, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2007. Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007: 3035-3040. EI检索
[31] Zhu J. S., Zhang N., Guan Y., Integrated Model of Capacity and Travel Time Reliability of Urban Road Networks, Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Management and Engineering, Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2007: 2258-2263. EI检索
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[35] 朱吉双,张宁.运量分布与均衡配流组合问题灵敏度分析.第九届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议论文集,广州:华南理工大学出版社,2007:40-45.
[36] 杨小宝,王新伟,张宁 (2007), 基于ATIS 下的OD 矩阵估计, 公路交通科技, 第24 卷 第9 期:100-103。EI检索
[37] 杨小宝,张宁,黄留兵(2007), 通行能力仿真中的换道模型研究,公路交通科技, 第24 卷 第5 期:109-112。EI检索
[38] 张国强,王庆云,张宁(2007),中国交通运输发展理论研究综述,交通运输系统工程与信息,第7卷 第4期:13-18。EI检索
[39] 张宁,徐勇敢(2007),民用航空旅客运输对西藏经济发展的贡献,综合运输,第3期:48-50。
[40] 张宁(2007),基于交通资源优化配置的机场群整合问题,综合运输,第6期:16-20。
[41] 朱吉双,张宁(2007),运量分布与均衡配流组合问题灵敏度分析,第九届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议论文集,广州:华南理工大学出版社:40-45。
[42] 朱吉双,张宁(2008),城市道路网络承载能力影响因素分析,交通运输系统工程与信息,第8卷 第1期:92-97。EI检索
[43] 朱吉双,张宁(2008),区域出行能力与出行时间可靠性综合仿真模型,系统仿真学报,2008年第20卷,第14期:3864-3868。EI检索
[44] 朱吉双,张宁(2008),可变需求结构下城市路网的通行能力与服务水平模型,系统工程理论与实践,2008年第28卷,第6期:170-176。EI检索
[45] 杨小宝,张宁(2008),道路通行能力中车道数因素的数学分析,武汉理工大学学报,2008,32(4):603-606。
[46] Zhang Ning (2008), Managing Stability of Traffic Flow on Hypercongested Equilibrium, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Industrial Management, 2008. ISTP检索
[47] Zhang Ning (2008), The Equilibrium Stability of Hypercongestion in Static Traffic Theory, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 2008: 861-866. ISTP检索
[48] 黄佳、张宁 (2009),基于贝叶斯网络的机场客流换乘研究,工业工程,2009,12(3):59-64。EI检索
[49] 黄佳、张宁 (2009),临近机场客流竞争分析,中国管理信息化,2009,12(20):77-81。
[50] 张宁(2009),突破直线航空发展的瓶颈,综合运输,2009年7月:66-69。
[51] 张国强、张宁(2009),我国铁路发展绩效与其它六国的比较,中国铁道科学,2009,30(2):130-135。EI检索
[52] 张宁 (2009),优化空域资源是拉动中国经济的重要途径,综合运输,2009,2:30-33。
[53] Li Yanbin, Zhang Ning,Li Cunbin(2009),Support vector machine forecasting method improved by chaotic particle swarm optimization and its application,J. Cent. South Univ. Technol,2009,16:478-481。SCI检索
[54] Li Yanbin, Li Peng and Zhang Ning(2009),safety assessment of thermal power enterprise based on BP neural network, journal of information and computational science,2009,1: 553-560. EI检索
[55] Yang Xiaobao, Zhang Ning, Guan Yu (2009), Behavior-based analysis of the relationship between expresswar capacity and number of lanesm, China civil engineering journal, 2009,42(1): 104-110. SCI检索。
[56] Huan Jia and Zhang Ning (2009), Analysis of Transfer Mode of Airport Passengers Based on Decision Tree, 2008 International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization。EI检索。
[57] 黄佳、张宁 ,邻近机场的客流竞争模型研究 ,中国管理信息化, 2009年20期:77-81。
[58] 张国强、张宁,我国铁路发展绩效与其他六国的比较,中国铁道科学, 2009年03期:130-133。
[59] Guan Yu、Zhu Jishuang、Zhang Ning、Yang Xiaobao,Traffic flow characteristics of bottleneck segment with ramps on urban expressway ,2nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering, ICTE2009, Chengdu, China, 2009: 1679-1684
[60] Yang Xiaobao、Zhang Ning,Effects of the number of lanes on traffic characteristics: A simulation study ,2nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering, ICTE 2009, Chengdu, China, 2009:1945-1950.
[61] Li Yan-bin、Zhang Ning、Li Cun-bin ,Support vector machine forecasting method improved by chaotic particle swarm optimization and its application ,Journal of Central South University of Technology, 16(3),2009:478-481.
[62] 张宁 ,优化空域资源是拉动中国经济的重要途径 ,综合运输, 2009年02期:30-33。
[63] 张宁 ,“十二五”中国交通运输发展的战略选择 ,综合运输, 2009年11期:4-7。
[64] Li, Yanbin、Li, Guanhong、Zhang, Ning、Zhao, Hui ,Study on the early-warning system for grid safety,International Conference of Management Engineering and Information Technology, Zhengzhou,2009:450-454.
[65] Liu, Lijuan、Zhang, Ning ,A NEW CAR FOLLOWING MODEL CONSIDERING THE ACCELERATION OF LEADING CAR ,14th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong,2009:169-176.
[66] Liu, Lijuan、Zhang, Ning,A study on the stability of traffic flow under variable demand ,1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2009, Nanjing, China, 2009:pp4696-4699
[67] Wang Feng、Zhang Ning,The new application of "Two-Factor" model in consumer brand selection study ,1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2009, Nanjing, China, 2009:pp 4577-4580.
[68] 徐勇敢、张宁,基于旅客运输可达性的空间均衡模型,交通运输系统工程与信息, 2010年03期:75-79。
[69] Li Yanbin, Li Peng、Zhang Ning、Li Guanhong、Li Yun,Safety assessment of thermal power enterprise based on BP neural network ,Journal of Information and Computational Science, 6(1), 2009:553-560.
[70] 关羽、张宁,可变临界间隙条件下的加速车道车辆汇入模型,公路交通科技,2010年06期:117-120。
[71] Liu Jian、Xu Yonggan、Zhang Ning ,A New Spatial Equilibrium Model Based on Passenger Transportation,International Conference on Engineering and Business Management, Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA,2010:3045-3048.
[72] 关羽、张宁、朱吉双、杨小宝,考虑驾驶员行为变化的入口匝道通行能力模型 ,交通运输系统工程与信息, 2010年01期:122-127。
[73] 朱高锋、张宁 ,交通运输网络理论探讨 ,中国高等教育出版社, 2010
[74] Zang Yujie,Zhang Ning,Wang, Qingyun,Balanced transportation model used in the coal inventory and railway transportation joint optimization problem ,10th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals - Integrated Transportation Systems: Green, Intelligent, Reliable, ICCTP 2010, Beijing, China, 2010: 4024-4033.
[75] Wang Feng、Zhang Ning,The initiation of brand purchase on consumer goods - The effect of hygiene factor ,2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010, Hangzhou,2010: 726-729.
[76] Zang Yujie、Zhang Ning、Liu Lijuan、Wang Feng、Chen Di,Study on development pattern and practice of comprehensive transport hub ,2010 International Conference on Logistics Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems, LEITS2010, Wuhan, China, 2010:328-331.
[77] Liu Lijuan、Zhang Ning,A new car following model considering the acceleration of leading car ,2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, ICEEE2010, Henan,China, 2010.
[78] Liu Lijuan、Zhang Ning、Chen Di、Liu Jian,An improved car-following model car with leading acceleration considered ,2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, CiSE 2010, Wuhan, China, 2010.
[79] 刘利娟、张宁、刘君伟,论西藏多层次综合交通枢纽体系建设 ,西藏大学学报(社会科学版), 2011年04期:98-104。
[80] Chen Di,Zhang Ning,Liu Lijuan,A classification method to integrated transport hub and current station analysis in China ,2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Shanghai,ICEE 2011: 1911-1913.
[81] 王枫、张宁,品牌形象认知与品牌选择关系的实证研究,北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版), 2011年06期:77-82。
[82] Telly Moussa1、Zhang Ning,Implications and benefits of Hub-and-spoke network to public transport planning in large African cities with sparse travel demand case of Bamako ,2011 International Conference on Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, TMEE 2011: 126-131.
[83] Liu Lijuan、Zhang Ning、Chen Di、Liu, Jian,Capacity deterioration with elastic demand in road segment ,Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 12(1), 2012:98-104.
[84] Liu Jian; Zhang Ning, Empirical research of intercity High-speed rail passengers' travel behavior based on fuzzy clustering model , Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology , Vol.12. No. 6, 2012: EI. 20130315909603
[85] Han Lie、Zhang Ning,Hub-and-spoke airline network design method and application based on gravity model,2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2012: 1941-1946.
[86] Liu Jian; Zhang Ning,Intercity travel behaviors with the introduction of high-speed rail, 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals: Multimodal Transportation Systems - Convenient, Safe, Cost-Effective, Efficient, CICTP 2012: 1793-1801, EI. 20130615985684
[87] Han, Lie; Zhang Ning: P-hub airline network design incorporating interaction between elastic demand and network structure,International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management, ICM 2012, December 8, 2012 - December 9, 2012; p 89-96. EI.20132716465303
[88] Han, Lie; Zhang, Ning: Hub-and-spoke airline network design method and application based on gravity model , 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2012, May 25, 2012 - May 27, 2012: 1941-1946. EI. 20122315097134
[89] Chen, Di; Zhang, Ning; Liu, Jian1, Effect of road traffic congestion on aviation passenger's flight choice ,Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology,No.2, Vol.13, 2013: 96-1-2. EI. 20133116566606