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1. Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in High Dimensional Domains, Research Information Ltd UK, 2004.( with Wen Guochun and Gao Hongya)
2. Nonlinear Complex Analysis and its Applications, Science Press, 2008. (with Wen Guochun and Chen Dechang)
1.The inverse problem for elliptic equations from Dirichlet to Neumann map in multiply connected domains, Boundary Value Problems, Vol.2009(ID305291), 2009, 1-22.
2.Mixed elastico-plasticity problems with partially unknown boundaries, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Vol. 23,No.4(2007),629-636.
3.The Cauchy problem for general quasilinear hyperbolic equations with degenerate rank 0, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 51(2006),985-998.
4.The irregular oblique derivative problem for nonlinear elliptic equations of second order, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 51(2006),1113-1124.
5.各向异性电阻抗成像问题的变分正则化方法,数值计算与计算机应用,No.4, 2005,312-320.
6.二维稳态各向异性介质渗透率的反演问题, 计算数学,Vol.25,No.2,2003, 219-226.
7.Initial-oblique problems for nonlinear parabolic systems with measurable coefficients, Acta Mathematica Scientia,23B(1),2003,67-73.
8.An inverse boundary value problem for cavity flows in gas dynamics, Nonlinear Analysis, 50,2002, 717-725.
9.Variation-difference method of solving boundary value problems for linear elliptic complex equations, Progress in Natural Science,No.11,2001,808-817.
10.轴对称渗流中自由边界问题的近似解法”,计算数学,Vol.22,No.2,2000, 219-226.
社会兼职: 中国数学会理事,北京数学会理事。
English Resume
Xu Zuoliang, a native of Liaoning Province, was born on in 1965. He was graduated from department of mathematics, Huaibei Normal University in 1985, After postgraduated with a major in pure mathematics in Peking University, he was appointed to be a teacher in Dept. of Basic Science, Liaoning Inst. of Tech., associate professor, vice-dean of Dept.of Mathematics and Physics Sciences, Liaoning Inst. of Tech . since 1995. He obtained D.S. of Computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. After that, he was a teacher of Renmin University of China till now. Presently, Mr. Xu is the professor and supervisor of the Doctors in Mathematics Department, Renmin University of China. His research interests are inverse problems, computational finance, complex boundary value problems and its Application. Mr. Xu is the member of the Tenth Council of Chinese Mathematical Society, and is also a member of the Senventh Council of Beijing Mathematical Society. He was ever obtained the youth award of the May 4,the first teaching achievement award in Liaoning Province. Teaching courses are Advanced Mathematics, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics Equations.