According to People's Daily, of the 34 ministerial and higher-level government officials under investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China, the violations of the law and Party discipline of at least 21 of them involve their relatives. And half of them have taken advantage of their positions to help the businesses of their relatives. People's Daily has termed this kind of phenomenon "backyard corruption".
近年来,家族式腐败(family corruption)屡见不鲜。一些官员的亲属,利用官员的政治影响力(political influence)谋取非法利益(made illegal profits)。一些领导也会落入“亲情陷阱”(fall into the trap of kinship),有些领导人也会从亲属经营活动收受贿赂。
为了遏制“后院腐败”,官员要经常提醒自己不为亲情所误,决不能纵容亲属“靠山吃山、靠水吃水”。同时要加强监督(strengthen supervision),对领导干部配偶、子女及其配偶经商办企业行为,应当加以规范。加强领导干部向党申报个人有关事项制度(Regulations that government officials should report personal affairs to the Party should be strengthened)。