
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    本书编写组 编著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787503229442
  • 出版日期:2006-9-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:





 第一单元 打招呼及送行
 第二单元 询问公共场所
 第三单元 请客人等候以及提供帮助
 第四单元 打电话
 第五单元 祝贺及感谢
 第六单元 要求及投诉
 第七单元 同情与关心
 第八单元 爱好与满意
 第九单元 前厅
 第十单元 房务
 第十一单元 餐饮
 第十二单元 在银行
  第一部分 银行开户
  第二部分 询问存款
  第三部分 询问储蓄
  第四部分 要求兑换钱
 第十三单元 在海关
  第一部分 在海关
  第二部分 有东西要报关吗
  第三部分 为电脑缴税
  第四部分 办理海关手续
 第十四单元 在邮局
  第一部分 寄信
  第二部分 寄信
  第三部分 寄包裹
  第四部分 寄钱
 第十五单元 在医院
  第一部分 看医生
  第二部分 犯胃病
  第三部分 与医生约诊
  第四部分 买药
 第十六单元 旅行
  第一部分 在飞机上
  第二部分 乘火车旅行
  第三部分 乘公共汽车旅行
  第四部分 乘出租汽车
 第十七单元 电信
  第一部分 打长途电话
  第二部分 国际互联网
  第三部分 谈论电信
  第四部分 电子商务
 Front Office
  Unit One At the Airport
   Part One Meeting the Guest
   Part Two Recognizing a Tour Group
   Part Three A Brief Welcome Speech
  Unit Two Room Reservations
   Part One Accepting Reservations
   Part Two Fully Booked
   Part Three Canceling a Reservation
  Unit Three Bellman
   Part One Greeting a Guest on Arrival
   Part Two Introducing Hotel Facilities
   Part Three Baggage Delivery
   Part Four Hiring a Taxi
  Unit Four Reception and Check-in
   Part One Checking in a Guest with Reservation
   Part Two Checking in a Walk-in Guest
   Part Three Changing a Room
   Part Four Extending the Stay
  Unit Five At the Information Desk
   Part One Askingthe Way
   Part Two Arranging a TourBus
   Part Three City Tour
   Part Four Leaving a Message
  Unit Six Sales Promotions
   Part One Talking about Hotel Reservations
   Part Two Negotiating on Terms.
   Part Three Persuasive Talks
  Unit Seven Public Relations
   Part One Soliciting Comments and Suggestions
   Part Two Arranging a News Conference
   Part Three Invitation and Replies
  Unit Eight Front Cashier
   Part One Checking Out
   Part Two A Miscalculation
   Part Three Foreign Currency Exchange
  Unit Nine Business Center
   Part One Booking Air Tickets
   Part Two Sending a Fax
   Part Three Sending E - mails
   Part Four Explaining Time Differences
   Part Five Asking for An Interpreter
  Unit Ten Operator
   Part One A Call from Outside
   Part Two Making a Collect Call
   Part Three Wake - up Call Service
  Unit Eleven Floor Attendant
   Part One Showing a Guest to the Room
   Part Two Explaining Room Facilities
   Part Three Valuables Deposit
  Unit Twelve Chamber Service
   Part One Making up the Room
   Part Two The Turn - clown Service
   Part Three Bringing Something on Request
  Unit Thirteen Laundry Service
   Part One Demanding Laundry Service
   Part Two Special Instructions
   Part Three Suggesting Express Laundry Service
  Unit Fourteen Miscellaneous Services
   Part One Shopping for Guests
   Part Two Baby - sitting Service
   Part Three Room Service
   Part Four Repairing the TV Set
  Unit Fifteen Dealing with Emergencies
   Part One Guest Injured
   Part Two A Sick Guest
   Part Three A Small Fire
 Food & Beverage
  Unit Sixteen Reservations
   Part One Booking Seats
   Part Two Banquet Reservations
   Part Three Reserving a Meeting Room
  Unit Seventeen Seating Guests
   Part One Seating the Guest without a Reservation
   Part Two Seating the Guest with a Reservation
  Unit Eighteen Chinese Food Service
   Part One Chinese Food
   Part Two Chinese Restaurant Service
   Part Three Ordering Drinks
   Part Four Serving the Dishes
  Unit Nineteen In the Coffee Shop
   Part One At Dinner Time
   Part Two A Buffet Breakfast
   Part Three A Continental Breakfast
   Part Four An American Breakfast
  Unit Twenty At the Bar
   Part One Chinese Liquors and Wines
   Part Two Mixing Cocktail
  Unit Twenty - one Room Service
   Part One Ordering Room Service
   Part Two Sending the Room Service Order
  Unit Twenty -two Ways of Paying
   Part One Signing the Bill
   Part Two Paying by Credit Card.
   Part Three Explaining the Bill
   Part Four Explaining the Credit Limit
  Unit Twenty-three Guest Complaints
   Part One Changing a Dish
   Part Two Complaining about the Dishes
  Unit Twenty- four A Birthday Party
  Unit Twenty -five At the Textile and Knitwear Counter
   Part One Buying Chinese Silk Fabrics
   Part Two Buying T- shirts
   Part Three Fashion
  Unit Twenty -six At the Jewelry and Crafts Counter
   Part One Recommending Traditional Chinese Crafts
   Part Two Jewelry
   Part Three Recommending Typical Chinese Toys
  Unit Twenty- seven At the Medicine and Foodstuff Department
   Part One Chinese Tea
   Part Two Chinese Medicine and Tonics
   Part Three Chinese Local Flavor Food
  Unit Twenty - eight At the Chinese Arts and Stationery Department
Part One Chinese Seal Cutting, Calligraphy and Paintings
   Part Two The Four Treasures of Study
   Part Three Packaging and Shipping
 Health and Recreation
  Unit Twenty -nine At the Health Center
   Part One Talking about Health Club Facilities.
   Part Two Sauna
   Part Three At the Indoor Swimming Pool
  Unit Thirty In the Beauty Salon
   Part One At the Barber's
   Part Two A Permanent Wave
  Unit Thirty - one Recreation
   Part One At the Ball Room
   Part Two Karaoke Bar
   Part Three Mahjong
   Part Four Bowling
 English Test at Intermediate Level
 Appendix I useful English Abbreviations For Hotels
 Appendix II 180 Useful Sentences For Fotels
 Appendix III Key to Listening Exercises (Tape Script)


书名 作者 出版社 价格 购买
一个人用英文去旅行(享受单身在路上的旅程!第一本完全图.. 戴媺凌 编.. 湖南文艺出版社


自助旅行PLUS旅游英语 周伶 编著 重庆大学出版社


酒店饭店英语口语实例大全(赠多媒体光盘) 陈丹 编著 中国宇航出版社


酒店英语口语脱口而出(赠送多媒体互动学习光盘,营造全英.. 陈晶晶 等.. 机械工业出版社


旅游英语口语大全 李雪 等主.. 机械工业出版社


朗文现代酒店业英语(附CD光盘三张)——酒店业与餐饮业人士.. (英)比尔.. 外语教学与研究出..


旅游英文会话袋着走(配MP3)——超强无敌会话口袋书,小小.. 外语教学与研究出..


餐饮服务行业实用英语对话及词汇手册 (修订版)(附光盘1.. 吴蓓蓓 等.. 水利水电出版社


朗文旅游英语:中级·学生用书(附光盘) (英)斯特.. 南开大学出版社


酒店前台实用英语口语教程 肖璇,吴建.. 世界图书出版公司


饭店工作英语(含光盘) 本书编写组.. 中国旅游出版社


酒店基础英语口语教程 肖璇,吴建.. 世界图书出版公司


餐饮英语口语脱口而出 陈晶晶 等.. 机械工业出版社


餐饮厨房英语 (美)波莉.. 世界图书出版公司


旅游英语图解(附光盘点读版) 珠海宜新软..


饭店英语速查手册 肖璇,吴建.. 辽宁科学技术出版..


餐厅英语情景口语50主题(附光盘) (美)罗克.. 外文出版社


旅游英语视听说(含MP3和DVD光盘各一张) 郑毅,刘惠.. 外语教学与研究出..


酒店管理英语 宿荣江 主.. 首都经济贸易大学..


必须掌握的旅游英语900短句(含光盘) 浩瀚 主编 科学出版社


酒店饭店英语口语(含光盘) 浩瀚,钟乐.. 大连理工大学出版..


酒店实务英语 梁悦,刘志..


餐饮英语口语 曾荣 编著 广东经济出版社有..


三句半搞定酒店英语口语 孟天朔 主.. 中国纺织出版社


旅游观光英语美国人这样说 浩瀚 主编 石油工业出版社

