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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2015-07-25 相关院校:兰州大学
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职 称
1988/9 - 1991/6,兰州大学,自然地理学,博士
1985/9 - 1988/6,兰州大学,自然地理学,硕士
1979/9 - 1983/6,兰州大学,自然地理学,学士
2015/03 –至今,兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授
2009/11 –2015/03,兰州大学,西部环境与气候变化研究院,教授
2001/11 - 2002/11,美国Santa Barbara加州大学,高级访问学者
1997/5 - 2009/11,兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授
1994/5 - 1997/5,兰州大学,资源环境学院,副教授
1992/10 -1993/4,英国伦敦大学皇家Holloway学院地理系,合作研究
1983/9 -1994/5,兰州大学,地理系,讲师
1、在前人研究的基础上,根据较精确的测年资料,较系统地研究了黄河全程的形成历史,指出黄河形成是通过袭夺、串联内流水系进行的,先后经历了3.6Ma前、3.6-1.7 Ma、1.7-1.1 Ma、1.1-0.1 Ma和最近10ka等五个发育阶段,较早定量给出了黄河的形成年代,填补了黄河最上游发育研究的不足,有关研究成果完成后,受到了学术界的普遍关注。
2、根据夷平面、剥蚀面和河流阶地等资料,进一步完善了青藏高原第三纪高度变化历史和第四纪强烈隆起主要事件发生的年代,丰富了李吉均院士等关于高原隆升过程的观点。指出青藏高原在第三纪经历了两次抬升和两次夷平;导致青藏高原达到现代高度的强烈隆起开始于3.6Ma前,而后经历了多次强烈构造上升事件。3.6Ma BP高原主夷平面解体前其海拔高度不超过1000m,2.5Ma BP时青藏高原的高度超过2000m,0.6Ma BP时超过3000m,0.1Ma BP以后超过4000m。青藏高原隆起不仅改变了它本身的自然环境,而且对其周围乃至全球的自然环境也产生了重大影响。在青藏高原隆起研究基础上,提出青藏高原是晚新生代全球气候变化的"驱动机"和"放大器"。
1.Pan Baotian, Li Qiong, Hu Xiaofei, Geng Haopeng, Gao Hongshan. Bedrock channels response to differential rock uplift in eastern Qilian Mountain along the north-eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 100: 1-19. (SCI)
2.Pan Baotian, Guan Qingyu, Gao Hongshan, Guan Dongsheng, Liu Fenliang, Li Zongmeng, Su Huai. The origin and sources of loess-like sediment in the Jinsha River Valley, SW China. Boreas, 2014, 43: 121–131. (SCI)
3.Pan Baotian, Li Qingyang, Hu Xiaofei, Geng Haopeng, Liu Zibian, Jiang Shaofei, Yuan Wanming. Cretaceous and Cenozoic cooling history of the eastern Qilian Shan, north-eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: evidence from apatite fission-track analysis. Terra Nova, 2013, 25: 431-438.(SCI)
4.Pan Baotian, Hu Xiaofei, Gao Hongshan, Hu Zhenbo, Cao Bo, Geng Haopeng, Li Qingyang. Late Quaternary river incision rates and rock uplift pattern of the eastern Qilian Shan Mountain, China. Geomorphology, 2013, 184: 84-97. (SCI)
5.Pan Baotian, Zhang Guoliang, Wang Jie, Cao Bo, Geng Haopeng, Wang Jun, Zhang Chen, Ji Yapeng. Glacier changes from 1966–2009 in the Gongga Mountains, on the south-eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and their climatic forcing. The Cryosphere, 2012, 6: 1087-1101. (SCI)
6.Pan Baotian, Cao Bo, Wang Jie, Zhang Guoliang, Zhang Chen, Hu Zhenbo, Huang Bo. Glacier variations in response to climate change from 1972 to 2007 in the western Lenglongling mountains, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Glaciology, 2012, 58(211): 879-888. (SCI)
7.Pan Baotian, Hu Zhenbo, Wang Junping, Vandenberghe Jef, Hu Xiaofei. The approximate age of the planation surface and the incision of the Yellow River. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 356-357: 54-61. (SCI)
8.Pan Baotian, Hu Zhenbo, Wang Junping, Vandenberghe Jef, Hu Xiaofei. A magnetostratigraphic record of landscape development in the eastern Ordos Plateau, China: Transition from Late Miocene and Early Pliocene stacked sedimentation to Late Pliocene and Quaternary uplift and incision by the Yellow River. Geomorphology, 2011, 125(1): 225-238. (SCI)
9.Pan Baotian, Geng Haopeng, Hu Xiaofei, Sun Ranhao. The topographic controls on the decadal-scale erosion rates in Qilian Shan Mountains, N. W. China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 292: 148-157. (SCI)
10.Pan Baotian, Su Hui, Hu Zhenbo, Hu Xiaofei, Gao Hongshan, Li Jijun, Kirby Eric. Evaluating the role of climate and tectonics during non-steady incision of the Yellow River: Evidence from a 1.2 Ma terrace record near Lanzhou, China. Quaternary Science Review, 2009, 28: 3281-3290. (SCI)
11.Pan Baotian, Gao Hongshan, Wu Guangjian, Li Jijun, Li Bingyuan, Ye Yuguang. Dating of erosion surface and terraces in the eastern Qilian Shan, northwest China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2007, 32(1): 143-154. (SCI & EI)
12.Pan Baotian, Su Huai, Hu Chunsheng, Hu Xiaofei, Zhou Tian, Li Jijun. Discovery of a 1.0 Ma Yellow River terrace and redating of the fourth Yellow River terrace in Lanzhou area. Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(2): 197-205. (SCI& EI)
13.Pan Baotian, Liu Xiaofeng, Gao Hongshan, Wang Yong, Li Jijun. Dating and genesis of the upper Weihe River terraces around Longxi basin, China. Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(11): 1134-1140. (SCI& EI)
14.Pan Baotian, Wang Junping, Gao Hongshan, Guan Qingyu, Wang Yong, Su Huai, Li Bingyuan, Li Jijun. Paleomagnetic dating of the topmost terrace in Kouma, Henan and its indication to the Yellow River running through the Sanmen Gorges. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(7): 657-664. (SCI)
15.Pan Baotian, Wang Junping, Gao Hongshan, Chen Yingying, Li Jijun, Liu Xiaofeng. Terrace dating as an archive of the run-through of the the Sanmen Gorges. Progress in Natural Science, 2005, 15(12): 1096-1103. (SCI & EI)
16.Pan Baotian, Burbank Douglas, Wang Yixiang, Wu Guangjian, Li Jijun, Guan Qingyu. A 900 k.y. record of strath terrace formation during glacial-interglacial transitions in northwest China. Geology, 2003, 31(11): 957-960. (SCI & EI)
17.Pan Baotian, Wu Guangjian, Wang Yixiang, Liu Zhigang, Guan Qingyu. Age and genesis of the Shagou River terraces in eastern Qi-lian Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(6): 509-513. (SCI)
18.Pan Baotian. Climatic changes in the northern Tibetan Plateau during the last 150,000 years. China Sciece Bulletin, 1999, 44 (Suppl.): 274-275. (SCI)
19.Pan Baotian, Li Jijun, Zhou Shangzhe. Discovery and significance of ice wedges during penultimate glaciation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994, 39(7): 578-582. (SCI)
20.Cao Bo, Pan Baotian*, WangJie, Shangguan Donghui, Wen Zhenling, Qi Wentao, Cui Hang, Lu Yaoyang. Changes in the glacier extent and surface elevation along the Ningchan and Shuiguan river source, eastern Qilian Mountains, China. Quaternary Research, 2014, 81: 531-537. (SCI)
21.Li Jijun, Fang Xiaomin, Song Chunhui, Pan Baotian, Ma Yuzhen, Yan Maodu. Late Miocene-Quaternary rapid stepwise uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau and its effects on climatic and environmental changes. Quaternary Research, 2014, 81: 400-423. (SCI)
22.Li Qingyang, Pan Baotian,Hu Xiaofei, Hu Zhenbo, Li Fuqiang, Yang Shunzhi. Apatite Fission Track Constraints on the Pattern of Faulting in the North Qilian Mountain. Journal of Earth Science, 2013, 24(4): 569-578. (SCI)
23.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, Yang Jing, Wang Lijuan, Zhao Shilei, Gui Hongjie. The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development in the eastern Hexi Corridor China, during the Last Glacial period. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 62: 769-775. (SCI)
24.Hu Zhenbo, Pan Baotian*, Wang Junping, Cao Bo, Gao Hongshan. Fluvial terrace formation in the eastern Fenwei Basin, China, during the past 1.2 Ma as a combined archive of tectonics and climate change. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 60: 235-245. (SCI)
25.Hu Xiaofei, Kirby Eric, Pan Baotian, Granger E. Darryl, Su Huai. Cosmogenic burial ages reveal sediment reservoir dynamics along the Yellow River, China. Geology, 2011, 39(9): 839-842. (SCI)
26.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, Li Na,Zhang Jundi, Xue Lijuan. Timing and significance of the initiation of present day deserts in the northeastern Hexi Corridor, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011, 306: 70–74. (SCI)
27.Guan Qingyu, Pan, Baotian*, Li Na, Li Qiong, Zhang Jundi, Xu Shujian, Gao Hongshan, Liu Jia. Loess record of the evolution history of severe sandstorms in the Tengger Desert during the Last Interglacial Period (MIS5). Geosciences Journal, 2010, 14(2), 155-162. (SCI)
28.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian, Li Na, Li Qiong, Hu Zhenbo, Gao Hongshan, Xu Shujian, Wang Yong. An indicator of sand storms in the south of the Tengger Desert. Theoretical And Applied Climatology, 2010, 102(1-2): 197-203. (SCI)
29.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, Li Na, Li Qiong, Zhang Jundi, Gao Hongshan, Liu Jia. A warming interval during the MIS 5a/4 transition in two high-resolution loess sections from China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2010, 38, 255-261. (SCI)
30.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, Li Na, Li Qiong, Zhang Jundi, Gao Hongshan, Liu Jia. Pattern of abrupt climatic fluctuation in the East Asian Monsoon during the last glacial: evidence from Chinese loess records. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 2010, 342(3), 189-196. (SCI)
31.Hu Xiaofei, Pan Baotian, Kirby Eric, Li Qingyang, Geng Haopeng, Chen Jifeng. Spatial differences in rock uplift rates inferred from channel steepness indices along the northern flank of the Qilian Mountain, northeast Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 3205-3214. (SCI)
32.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, Li Na, Gao Hongshan, Li Qiong, Yang Xiaoyan. Differences among sub-orbital time scale events recorded in two high-resolution loess sections, China, during the last deglaciation. Quaternary International, 2009, 198: 246-254.(SCI)
33.Su Huai, Wang Junping, Pan Baotian, Ming Qingzhong, Li Qiong. Sequences and genesis of the Yellow River terraces from Sanmen Gorge to Kouma. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19: 351-358. (SCI)
34.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian*, GaoHongshan, Li Na, Zhang Hui, Wang Junping. Geochemical evidence of the Chinese loess provenance during the Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2008, 270(1-2): 53-58.(SCI)
35.Gao Hongshan, Liu Xiaofeng, PanBaotian*, Wang Yong, Yu Yongtao, Li Jijun. Stream response to Quaternary tectonic and climatic change: Evidence from the upper WeiheRiver, central China. Quaternary International, 2008, 186: 123-131.(SCI)
36.Wang Yong, Pan Baotian, Gao Hongshan, Guan Qingyu, Chen Yingying, Wang Junping. Magnetic fabric-based reconstruction of the paleowind direction from a loess sequence in the northeastern flank of the Qilian Mountains. Chinese Journal Geophysics (in Chinese), 2007, 50(4): 1161-1166. (SCI)
37.Xu Shujian, Pan Baotian, Gao Hongshan, Cao Guangjie, Su Huai. Changes in sand fractions of Binggou section and the expansion and contraction of the Tengger Desert during 50-30 ka. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2007, 32(3): 475-480. (SCI& EI)
38.Guan Qingyu, Pan Baotian, Gao Hongshan, Li Bingyuan, Wang Junping, Su Huai. Instability characteristics of the East Asian Monsoon recorded by high-resolution loess sections from the last interglacial (MIS5). Science in China (Series D), 2007, 50(7): 1067-1075.(SCI& EI)
39.Wu Guangjian, Pan Baotian, Gao Hongshan, Guan Qingyu, Xia Dunshen. Climatic signals in the Chinese loess record for the Last Glacial: The influence of northern high latitudes and the tropical Pacific. Quaternary International, 2006, 154-155: 128-135. (SCI)