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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2015-07-16 相关院校:华中农业大学
刘红 【教授】
姓名 | 刘红 | 性别 | 女 | ![]() |
职称 | 教授 | 学位 | 博士 | |||||||||
电话 | 15387100648 | 邮箱 | liuhong59@mail.hzau.edu.cn | |||||||||
工作单位 | 华中农业大学水产学院 | |||||||||||
研究方向 | 鱼类遗传育种与生物技术 | |||||||||||
教育经历 | 2000/9 - 2003/6,中国科学院研究生院,中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学,博士,导师:谢平 1997/9 - 2000/6,华中农业大学,水产养殖,硕士,导师:周洁 1993/9 - 1997/6,华中农业大学,淡水渔业,学士 |
主要职历 | 2011/8 - 至今,华中农业大学,水产学院,教授 2006/10 |
科研成果 |
1. Fu X, Ding Z, Fan J, Wang H, Zhou F, Cui L, Chen B, Wang W, Liu H*. Characterization, promoter analysis and expression of the interleukin-6 gene in blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala. Fish Physiol Biochemistry,accepted
2. Ding Z, Zhao X, Su L, Zhou F, Chen N, Wu J, Wu F, Wang W and Liu H*. The Megalobrama amblycephala transferrin and transferrin receptor genes: molecular cloning, characterization and expression during early development and after Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Dev Comp Immunol. 2015, 49(2): 290-297
3. Li H, Li C, Tang X, Liao F, Wang C, Liang Z, Liu H* and Yuan X. Complete mitochondrial genome of Bangana decorus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Mitochondrial DNA, doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.982600
4. Hu H, Yu D, Liu H*. Bioinformatics analysis of small RNAs in Pima (Gossypium barbadense L.). PLoS ONE 2015, 10(2): e0116826
5. Chen N, Wan X, Huang C, Wang W, Liu H, Wang H*. Study on the immune response to recombinant Hsp70 protein from Megalobrama amblycephala. 2014, Immunobiology 219: 850-858
6. Luo W, Zhang J, Wen J, Liu, H, Wang W, Gao Z*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of major histocompatibility complex class I, IIA and IIB genes of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Dev Comp Immunol. 2014, 42(2):169-173.
7. Ding Z, Wu J, Su L, Zhou F, Zhao X, Deng W, Zhang J, Liu S, Wang W, Liu H*. Expression of heat shock protein 90 genes during early development and infection in Megalobrama amblycephala and evidence for adaptive evolution in teleost. Dev Com Immunol. 2013, 41(4):683-693. Corresponding author
8. Jiang Y, Gao X, Liu S, Zhang Y, Liu H, Sun F, Bao L, Waldbieser G and Liu Z*. Whole genome comparative analysis of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with four model fish species. BMC genomics, 2013, 14:780
9. Liu S, Wang X, Sun F, Zhang J, Feng J, Liu H, Rajendran KV, Sun L, Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Peatman E, Kaltenboeck L, Kucuktas H, and Liu Z*. RNA-Seq reveals expression signatures of genes involved in oxygen transport, protein synthesis, folding, and degradation in response to heat stress in catfish. Physiol. Genomics, 2013, 45:462-476
10. Zhang J, Liu S, Rajendran KV, Sun L, Zhang Y, Sun F, Kucuktas H, Liu H, Liu Z*. Pathogen recognition receptors in channel catfish: III Phylogeny and expression analysis of Toll-like receptors. Dev Comp Immunol. 2013, 40(2):185-194
11. Preziosa E, Liu S, Terova G, Gao X, Liu H, Kucuktas H, Terhune J, and Liu ZJ*. Effect of Nutrient Restriction and Re-feeding on Calpain Family Genes in Skeletal Muscle of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). PLoS ONE 2013, 8(3): e59404
12. Gao Z, Luo W, Liu H, Zeng C, Liu X, Yi S and Wang W*. Transcriptome analysis and SSR/SNP markers information of the blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). PLoS ONE 2012, 7(8): e42637
13. Ninwichian P, Peatman E, Liu H, Kucuktas H, Somridhivej B, Liu S, Li P, Jiang Y, Sha Z, Kaltenboeck L, Abernathy JW, Wang W, Chen F, Lee Y, Wong L, Wang S, Lu J, Liu Z*. Second-Generation Genetic Linkage Map of Catfish and Its Integration with the BAC-Based Physical Map. G3 (Bethesda) 2012, 2(10):1233-1241
14. Zhou Z, Liu H, Liu S, Sun F, Peatman E, Kucuktas H, Kaltenboeck L, Feng T, Zhang H, Niu D, Lu J, Waldbieser G, Liu Z*. Alternative complement pathway of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): molecular characterization, mapping and expression analysis of factors Bf/C2 and Df. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2012, 32(1):186-195. Co-first author
15. Sha Z*, Liu H, Wang Q, Liu Y, Li M, Chen S*. Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) protein disulphide isomerase, PDIA6: Molecular characterization and expression regulated by bacteria and virus inoculation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2012, 33: 220-228
16. Zhang H, Peatman E, Liu H, Feng T, Chen L, Liu Z*. Molecular characterization of three L-type lectin genes from channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus and their response to Edwardsiella ictaluri challenge. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2012, 32(4): 598-608
17. Rajendran KV, Zhang J, Liu S, Kucuktas H, Wang X, Liu H, Sha Z, Terhune J, Peatman E, Liu Z*. Pathogen recognition receptors in channel catfish: I. Identification, phylogeny 3 and expression of NOD-like receptors. Dev Comp Immunol. 2012, 37: 381-389
18. Rajendran KV, Zhang J, Liu S, Kucuktas H, Wang X, Liu H, Wood T, Terhune J, Peatman E, Liu ZJ*. Pathogen recognition receptors in channel catfish: II. Identification, phylogeny and expression of retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs), Dev Comp Immunol. 2012, 37:381-389
19. Zhang H, Peatman E, Liu H, Niu D, Feng T, Kucuktas H, Waldbieser J, Chen L and Liu Z*. Characterization of a mannose-binding lectin from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Res Vet Sci. 2012, 92(3): 408-413
20. Liu H, Peatman E, Wang W, Abernathy J, Liu S, Kucuktas H, Terhune J, Xu DH, Klesius P and Liu Z*. Molecular responses of ceruloplasmin to Edwardsiella ictaluri and iron overload in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2011, 30(3): 992-997.
21. Liu H, Peatman E, Wang W, Abernathy J, Liu S, Kucuktas H, Lu J, Xu DH, Klesius P, Waldbieser J and Liu Z*. Molecular responses of calreticulin genes to iron overload and bacterial challenge in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Dev Comp Immunol. 2011, 35(3): 267-272.
22. Niu D, Peatman E, Liu H, Lu J, Kucuktas H, Liu S, Sun F, Zhang H, Feng T, Zhou Z, Terhune J, Waldbieser J and Liu Z*. Microfibrillar-associated protein 4 (MFAP4) genes in catfish play a novel role in innate immune responses. Dev Comp Immunol. 2011, 35(5): 568-579.
23. Liu S, Zhou Z, Lu J, Sun F, Wang S, Liu H, Jiang Y, Kucuktas H, Kaltenboeck L, Peatman E, Liu Z*. Generation of genome-scale gene-associated SNPs in catfish for the construction of a high-density SNP . BMC genomics 2011, 12: 53.
24. Feng T, Zhang H, Liu H, Zhou Z, Niu D, Wong L, Kucuktas H, Liu X, Peatman E, Liu Z*. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of the channel catfish cathepsin D genes. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2011, 31:164-169.
25. Liu H, Takano T, Abernathy J, Wang S, Sha Z, Jiang Y, Kucuktas H and Liu Z*. Structure and Expression of Transferrin Gene of Channel Catfish, Ictaiurus punctatus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2010,28: 159-166.
26. Liu H, Takano T, Peatman E, Abernathy J, Wang S, Sha Z, Kucuktas H, Xu D, Klesius P, Liu Z*. Molecular characterization and gene expression of the channel catfish ferritin H subunit after bacterial infection and iron treatment. J Exp Zool. 2010, 311A: 359-368.
27. Wang S, Peatman E, Liu H, Bushek D, Ford SE, Kucuktas H, Quilang J, Li P, Wallace R, Wang Y, Guo X, Liu Z*. Micro analysis of gene expression in eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reveals oxidative stress and apoptosis host responses after dermo (Perkinsus marinus) challenge. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2010, 29: 921-929.
28. Chen F, Lee Y, Jiang Y, Wang S, Peatman E, Abernathy J, Liu H, Liu S, Kucuktas H, Ke C, Liu Z*. Identification and Characterization of Full-Length cDNAs in Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus). PLoS ONE 2010, 5(7): e11546.
29. Jiang Y, Abernathy J, Peatman E, Liu H, Wang S, Xu D, Kucuktas H, Klesius P, Liu Z*. Identification and characterization of matrix metalloproteinase-13 sequence structure and expression during embryogenesis and infection in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Dev Comp Immunol. 2010, 34(5): 590-597.
30. Wang S, Peatman E, Abernathy J, Waldbieser G, Lindquist E, Richardson P, Lucas S, Wang M, Li P, Thimmapuram J, Liu L, Vullaganti D, Kucuktas H, Murdock C, Small BC, Wilson M, Liu H, Jiang Y, Lee Y, Chen F, Lu J, Wang W, Xu P, Somridhivej B, Baoprasertkul P, Quilang J, Sha Z, Bao B, Wang Y, Wang Q, Takano T, Nandi S, Liu S, Wong L, Kaltenboeck L, Quiniou S, Bengten E, Miller N, Trant J, Rokhsar D, Liu Z*. the Catfish Genome Consortium. Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies. Genome Biol. 2010, 11(1): R8.
31. Liu H, Jiang Y, Wang S, Ninwichian P, Somridhivej B, Xu P, Abernathy J, Kucuktas H and Liu Z*. Comparative analysis of catfish BAC end sequences with the zebrafish genome. BMC genomics 2009, 10: 592.
32. Abernathy JW, Lu J, Liu H, Kucuktas H, Liu Z*. Molecular characterization of complement factor I reveals constitutive expression in channel catfish. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2009, 27(3): 529-534.
33. Sha Z, Abernathy JW, Wang S, Li P, Kucuktas H, Liu H, Peatman E, Liu Z*. NOD-like subfamily of the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing family receptors and their expression in channel catfish. Dev Comp Immunol. 2009, 33(9): 991-999.
34. Kucuktas H, Wang S, Li, P, He C, Xu P, Sha Z, Liu H, Jiang Y, Baoprasertkul P, Somridhivej B, Wang Y, Abernathy J, Guo X, Liu, Muir W and Liu Z*. Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps and Comparative Genome Analysis of Catfish Using Gene-Associated Markers. Genetics 2009, 181: 1-12.
35. Wang S, Sha, Z, Sonstegard TS, Liu H, Xu P, Somridhivej B, Peatman E, Kucuktas H and Liu Z*. Quality assessment parameters for EST-derived SNPs from catfish. BMC Genomics 2008, 9: 450 .
36. Sha Z, Xu P, Takano T, Liu H, Terhune J and Liu Z*. The warm temperature acclimation protein Wap65 as an immune response gene: Its duplicates are differentially regulated by temperature and bacterial infections. Mol Immunol. 2008, 45: 1458-1469.
37. Somridhivej B, Wang S, Sha Z, Liu H, Quilang J, Xu P, Li P, Hu Z and Liu Z*. Characterization, polymorphism assessment, and database construction for microsatellites from BAC end sequences of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): A resource for integration of linkage and physical maps. Aquaculture 2008, 275: 76-80.
38. Takano T, Sha Z, Peatman E, Terhune J, Liu H, Kucuktas H, Li P, Edholm E, Wilsonc M and Liu Z*. The two channel catfish intelectin genes exhibit highly differential patterns of tissue expression and regulation after infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri. Dev Comp Immunol. 2008, 32: 693-705.
39. 杨永波,扶晓琴,陈柏湘,王卫民,刘红*。嗜水气单胞菌感染对团头鲂肝脏铁代谢影响的初步研究。华中农业大学学报,2015,34(4):1-5.
40. 苏利娜,丁祝进,李鸿,周凤娟,王卫民,刘红*。团头鲂Dmrt4基因的克隆与表达分析。华中农业大学学报,2013,32(6):13-19.
41. 呼光富,刘红*,马徐发。武汉南湖原生动物的初步研究。水利渔业, 2007,27(3): 77-78 .
42. 刘红,马徐发,熊帮喜。武汉南湖的浮游植物。淡水渔业,2006,36(1):32-35.
43. 刘红,马徐发,刘瑾。武汉南湖浮游轮虫的初步研究。水利渔业,2006,26(2):60-62 .
44. 刘红。HPLC 研究围隔实验中水柱颗粒物色素的动态变化。海洋与湖沼通报, 2006,108(2):75-81 .
45. 黄彦,刘红*。福尔马林和高锰酸钾对柱形宽水蚤的灭活效果。水利渔业,2005,25:25-26.
46. 刘红,马徐发,熊邦喜。武汉南湖的浮游甲壳动物。淡水渔业,2005,35:22-24.
47. 刘红,刘学军。HPLC方法研究鲢鳙肠含物叶绿素及其代谢产物。华中农业大学学报(Sup),2005,36:43-46.
48. Chen F, Xie P, Tang H and Liu H. Evidence for negative effects of Microcystis blooms on the crustacean plankton in an enclosure experiment in the subtropical China.J Envir Sci. 2005, 17(5): 775-781.
49. Tang H, Xie P and Liu H. Changes in the phytoplankton community of Lake Donghu since the 1980s. J Freshw Ecol, 2005, 20(3): 591-594.
50. 刘红,谢平,周洁,刘学军,唐汇娟。武汉东湖光合色素与叶绿素a代谢产物的HPLC研究. 水生生物学报,2003,27(1):1-6 .
51. Xie L, Xie P, Li S, Tang H and Liu H. The low TN: TP ratio, a cause or a result of Microcystis blooms?Water Res 2003, 37: 2073-2080.
52. Liu H, Xie P, Chen F, Tang H. and Xie L. Enhancement of planktonic rotifers by Microcystis aeruginosa blooms: an enclosure experiment in a shallow eutrophic lake.J Freshw Ecol. 2002, 17(2): 239-247.
53. 刘红,曹志华。太湖新银鱼和近太湖新银鱼脂肪酸组成分析。湖北农学院学报,1999,19(1):50-522.
1. 刘红主编。《水产养殖技术》。2013,北京:中央广播电视大学出版社。ISBN 978-7-304-06409-9。
2. 刘红。第五章遗传信息的改变。见李家乐主编《水产动物遗传学》。北京:2014
3. Wang S, Liu H and Liu Z. SNP quality assessment. In: Next generation sequencing and whole genome selection in aquaculture. 2011 Ed: Liu ZJ. Blackwell publishing Ltd. ISBN-13: 978-0-9138-0637-2.
4. 王少林和刘红。比较基因组学在水产生物基因组学研究中的应用。见《水产基因组技术与研究进展》。2011,北京:海洋出版社ISBN 978-7-5027-8027-2。
5. 刘红。水生无脊椎动物。见张桂蓉主编中央广播农业学校教材《养殖水环境》。2004,北京:中国农业出版社。ISBN 7-109-08882-0 。