- 所属分类:
- 作者:
毛浩然,刘茵 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787504556851
- 出版日期:2006-10-1
?Unit 1?Business Reception?商务接待
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???1.1?Meeting a Guest at the Airport?在机场接客人
???1.2?Meeting an Individual in the Office?在办公室接待来客
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 2Making Introductions?介绍
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???2.1?Introducing a Friend to Other People?将朋友介绍给其他人
???2.2?Introducing Oneself?自我介绍
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 3?Expressing Apologies and Farewells?道歉和告别
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???3.1?Talking about the Damage of Goods?谈论货物的损坏
???3.2?Saying Goodbye to a Business Partner?和生意伙伴告别
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 4?Expressing Agreement and Refusal?同意和拒绝
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???4.1?Agreeing to Attend the Party?同意参加晚会
???4.2Refusing to Visit the Factory?拒绝参观工厂
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 5?Expressing and Responding to Thanks?感谢及其应答
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???5.1?Expressing Thanks?表示感谢
???5.2?Responding to Thanks?答谢
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 6?Visiting Activities?参观活动
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???6.1?Visiting the Showroom?参观展销厅
???6.2?Visiting the Factory?参观工厂
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 7?Making and Answering the Phones?打电话和接电话
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???7.1?Making the Phones?打电话
???7.2?Answering the Phones?接电话
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 8?Miscellaneous Activities?其他活动
??Section A: Phonetics?语音
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 1?Establishing Business Relationships and Forms of Trade?建立业务关系和贸易形式
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???1.1?Establishing Business Relationships?建立业务关系
???1.2?Looking for an Agent?寻求代理
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 2?Inquiries and Specifications?询价和规格
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???2.1?Making Inquiries?询价
???2.2?Consulting Specifications?询问规格
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 3?Offer and Counteroffer?发盘和还盘
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???3.1?Making an Offer?发盘
???3.2?Making a Counteroffer?还盘
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 4?Quotation Calculation and Commission?报价计算和佣金
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???4.1?Quoting the Unit Price?报单价
???4.2?Discussing the Commission?讨论佣金
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 5?Quality and Quantity?品质和数量
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???5.1Consulting Quality?询问产品质量
???5.2Talking about Quantity?讨论数量
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 6?Price?价格
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???6.1?Selecting Trade Terms?选择贸易术语
???6.2?Negotiating Terms of Price?价格条款的洽谈
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 7?Packing?包装
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???7.1?Obtaining Information about Materials of Packing?获取包装材料信息
???7.2?Confirming Terms of Package?确定包装条款
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 8?Shipment?装运
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???8.1?In.time Shipment?及时装运
???8.2?Terms of Shipment?装运条款
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 9?Insurance(Ⅰ)?保险(一)
??Section A: Background ?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话(89)
???9.1?The Changes of Personal Information?个人信息的变更
???9.2?Talking about the Job of Insurance Agent?谈论保险代理人的工作
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 10?Insurance(Ⅱ)?保险(二)
??Section A: Background?背景知识
??Section B: Dialogues?对话
???10.1?The Delivery of Insurance Policy?送保单
???10.2?Talking about Insurance Plan?谈论保险计划
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 1?Payment?支付
??Section A: Dialogues对话
???1.1?Discussing Ways of Payments?讨论支付方式
???1.2?Terms of Payment?支付条款
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 2?Claim and Arbitration?索赔和仲裁
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???2.1?Lodging the Claim?索赔
???2.2?Arbitration in China?在中国仲裁
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 3?Letter of Credit?信用证
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???3.1?Establishment of L/C?信用证的开立
???3.2?Amendment to L/C?信用证的修改
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 4?Negotiation and Contract.making?合同谈判和签订
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???4.1?Negotiating Contracts?合同谈判
???4.2?Signing Contracts?合同签订
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 5?Marketing?营销
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???5.1?Distribution Channels?分销渠道
???5.2?Brand Strategy?品牌策略
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 6?Public Relation?公共关系
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???6.1?Arranging a Press Conference?安排记者招待会
???6.2?Market Research?市场调研
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
?Unit 7?Welcome and Farewell Speech?欢迎词和欢送词
??Section A: Dialogues?对话
???7.1?At the Airport?在机场
???7.2?At the Dinner?在晚宴上
??Section B: Topic Discussion?专题讨论
??Section C: Listening?听力
附录1?Tapescript and Keys?录音稿和答案
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