
  • 所属分类:
    FOR 老外
  • 作者:
    赵启正 著,(加)彭捍城 译
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787508514062
  • 出版日期:2008-10-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:





  Zhao Qizheng graduated in nuclear physics from the China University of Science and Technology in 1963. He worked 'for the next twenty years in nuclear research, design and production, then as a professor, senior engineer, deputy plant director, and other re-lated positions. In 1984 he joined the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, where he was appointed Minister of the Organization Department, Vice Mayor of Shanghai and Director of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Administration.
In 1998 Zhao Qizheng became Director of the State Council Information Office. Since March of 2008 he hasserved as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee.He is also Dean of the China People's University School of Journalism, and serves as Ph.D. supervisor at the China People's University and Nankai University.
While Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Zhao, Qizheng was respon-sible for foreign affairs and foreign trade. As Director ot the State Council Information Office, he was responsible for explaining Chi-nese national policy and social development to the media tinct through international cultural exchange. He has traveled to several dozen countries and met with numerous leaders in foreign politics busi-ness and media, and established extensive contacts in the Chinese and overseas press.
Zhao Qizheng's publications have become best-selling books, including: Explaining China to the World." Lectures and Discussions by Zhao Qizheng Explaining China to the World: Zhao Qizheng's Art of Communication, America and Americans in the Eyes of the Chinese, Riverside Talks." A Friendly Dialogue between an Atheist and a Christian (co-authored), Pudong Logic: Development in Pudong and Economic Globalization, etc.
Translator's Preface
Author's Preface
1/ "It's a Foreigner You Are Meeting"
2/ On Getting Along with Others
3/ The Citizen's Duty as a Diplomat
4/ A Smile - The Language That Needs No Translation
5/ "Don't All Chinese Know Kung Fu?"
6/ It's an Expression of Feeling, Not a Philosophical Standpoint
7/ Patience Is Another Form of Respect
8/ No Need for a "Double Standard"
9/ It Is Impolite Not to Return Thanks for Help Received
10/ "lnfosphere" and "Media Diplomacy"
11/ An Apple Tastes Better Than Vitamin C
12/ What Is a Dragon's Head?
13/ The Servant with Two Masters
14/ When You Speak to a Reporter, You Are Speaking to the Public
15/ As Seen in a Funhouse Mirror: The Media
16/ A Chinese Romeo and Juliet
17/ Marseille vs. Lyon
18/ Growth and Modesty
19/ Friendship First and Competition Second
20/ Enjoy Victory with Delight; Accept Defeat without Rancor
21/ "Getting Revenge" and "Wiping out the Troops"
22/ Confront Foreign Politicians Who "Speak without Scruples"
23/ From Eyeglasses to Nuclear Bombs
24/ "Rightfully and Forcefully" vs. "Rightfully and Peacefully"
25/ "Green Mountain" and "White Iron" Remain
26/ Happy to Give Directions
27/ Unforgettable Tour Guides
28/ Quick in Action, Prompt in Speech
29/ "Punctuality Is a Kingly Virtue"
30/ Taxi Drivers - Spokespeople for a City
31/ "Wow, This Is Exactly What I Need!"
32/ Can One Ever Be Too Courteous?
33/ "No Entry to Unauthorized Persons" etc.
34/ "Come On, the Foreign Guests Are Here!"
35/ "Mind Your Own Business"
36/ "Why Doesn't He Look at Me?"
37/ Sorry: Not an Easy Word
38/ The Intangible "Relationship"
39/ Cheers, but Why Must I Drink?
40/ Yao Ming's Pledge
41/ Scary "Boiling Fish with Head Alive"
42/ I Don't Eat "Fried Scorpion"
43/ "Cannot Eat It Up? Then Take It Home."
44/ Lost in Luxury?
45/ Courtesy or Credibility
46/ You Thought They Would Not Hear You
47/ "Asians Are Loud When They Call?"
48/ The Art of Cheering
49/ CCTV or "Xi Xi Ti Wei"


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