从甲骨文到E-publications-——跨越三千年的中国出版 (精装) From Oracle Bon..

  • 所属分类:
    FOR 老外
  • 作者:
    肖东发 主编
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787119060132
  • 出版日期:2009-9-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:





The Origin and Evolution of Publishing in China
Chapter Ⅰ
The Era of Oracle Bones, Bamboo and Silk
21 st-2 nd Century BC
Oracle Bone Script
Bronze Inscriptions
Books of Bamboo and Wooden Strips
Ⅰ. History of Bamboo and Wooden Strips
Ⅱ. The Content of Bamboo and Wooden Strips
Ⅲ. Making Books of Bamboo and Wooden Strips
Ⅳ. The Legacy of Bamboo and Wooden Strips
Stone Inscriptions
Writings on Silk

Chapter Ⅱ
The Era of Books Handwritten on Paper
I st Century BC-7th Century AD
The Invention and Spread of Papermaking
Ⅰ.The Invention of Plant-fiber Paper
Ⅱ. Improvement of Papermaking Technology
Ⅲ. The Spread of Papermaking to Foreign Countries
The Book Scroll System
The Circulation of Handwritten Books
Ⅰ. Private Bookstores
Ⅱ. The Earliest Book Market: Pagoda Tree Market
Ⅲ. Book Copyists
Ⅳ. The Translation and Dissemination of Buddhist Scriptures

Chapter Ⅲ
The Hand Printing Era I: Printing Technology
7th-19th Century
Woodblock Printing
Movable Type Printing
Ⅰ. Bi Sheng and Movable Clay Type
Ⅱ. Wang Zhen and Movable Wooden Type
Ⅲ. Gem Editions of the Wuying Hall
Ⅳ. Movable Metal Type
Color Printing
Ⅰ. The Min and Ling Families
Ⅱ. Douban and Gonghua Woodblock Printing Techniques
The Introduction of Printing to Foreign Countries
Ⅰ. Korea
Ⅱ. Japan
Ⅲ. Vietnam and Southeast Asia
Ⅳ. Iran
Ⅴ. Europe

Chapter Ⅳ
The Hand Printing Era I1: Publishing Systems
7th-I 9th Century
Guanke: Government Publishing
Ⅰ. Feng Dao and the First Printed Confucian Classics
Ⅱ. Printing of Buddhist Scriptures under Qian Chu, King of Wuyue
Ⅲ. Imperial Academy Block Prints
Ⅳ. Gongshiku Block Prints
Ⅴ. Jingchang and Shupa Editions
Ⅵ. Fan Block Printing
Ⅶ. Wuying Hall Block Printing
Ⅷ. Official Publishing Houses and Translation Houses
Bookshop: Non-governmental Publishing
Ⅰ. The Yu Family of Jian'an and Chen Family of Lin'an
Ⅱ. Flourishing of Bookshop Publishing in the Ming Dynasty
Ⅲ. Prosperity and Change in Qing Dynasty Bookshops
Individual Printing: Private Publishing
Ⅰ. Famous Private Block Printing in the Early Period: Wu Zhaoyi
Ⅱ. Private Printing in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
Ⅲ. Mao Jin and the Jigu Pavilion
Ⅳ. Qing Dynasty Write-and-cut and Precision Carving
Academic Printing: Academic Publishing
Temple Printing: Religious Publishing
Book Circulation in the Print Age
Ⅰ. Flourishing Domestic Book Trade
Ⅱ. Two-way Impact via the "Book Road"

Chapter Ⅴ
The Mechanized Printing Era
19th Century-1940s
Introduction and Application of Mechanization
New Types of Publishing Enterprises
Ⅰ. Zhang Yuanji and the Commercial Press
Ⅱ. Lufei Kui and the Zhonghua Book Company
New Publications
Ⅰ. Books on Modern Sciences
Ⅱ. Newspapers and Magazines
Ⅲ. Textbooks, New Reference Books and Picture-story Books
Wider and Deeper Overseas Contact
Ⅰ. Translated Books in Quantity
Ⅱ. Wider Foreign Participation in Chinese Publishing
Ⅲ. The Appearance of International Joint Ventures
Ⅳ. Exportation of Chinese Classics
Impact of New Publishing on Chinese Society and Culture
Ⅰ. Modern Publishing Concepts Taking Root
Ⅱ. Copyright System Finally Established
Ⅲ. Stimulating Social Change and Development

Chapter Ⅵ
Application of Modern Digital Technology
and New Forms of Publishing
1950s - Early 21 st Century
Qualitative Changes through Technology
Ⅰ. CCLPTTechnology, a Milestone Invention
Ⅱ. Print on Demand-a Marriage of Individuality and Market
The Age of Digital Publishing
Ⅰ. Microfilm, Magnetic and Optical Discs Open the Door
Ⅱ. Digital Media: "Friend and Foe"
Competition and Merging of Various Formats
Ⅰ. On-line Publishing
Ⅱ. Mobile-phone Publishing
Impact of New Technologies
Ⅰ. Digitization of Editing
Ⅱ. The Digital Revolution in Distribution

Chapter Ⅶ
The Advent of Mega-Publishing
1980s - Early 21 st Century
Expansion of Editing System
Ⅰ. Book Market and Publishers Getting Bigger
Ⅱ. Mature and Stable Newspaper Market Facing Format Change
Ⅲ. Steady Growth in the Periodical Market
Ⅳ. Decline in Audio-Video and E-Publishing
Ⅴ. Wildfire Growth of Publishing Groups
Ⅵ. New Media Heading toward Integration
Reform and Expansion of Distribution
Ⅰ. Reform of the Main Distribution Channels
Ⅱ. Rapid Growth of Non-Governmental Distribution
Ⅲ. Advantages of On-Line Distribution
Up-to-the-minute Printing Systems
Ⅰ. Development and Transition in Paper Manufacture
Ⅱ. Digitization of Printing
Ⅲ. Innovations in Book Finishing
Fine Teaching and Research Infrastructure
Ⅰ. From without... to with... to Outstanding
Ⅱ. Publishing Research Linking Up with the World
Ⅲ. Publishing Research Bases

Chapter Ⅷ
An International Approach
1990s - Early 21st Century
Branching Out and Bringing in
Ⅰ. Copyright Trade
Ⅱ. International Cooperation
Increasing International Outreach
Ⅰ. Chinese Books at International Fairs
Ⅱ. Challenges on the Long Road Ahead

Appendix 1
Book Layout and Binding in Ancient China
Appendix 2
Large-scale Compilations and Complete Works
Appendix 3
Books Most Representative of Chinese Culture


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