BARRON’S SAT 物理(2007)(英文版)
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(美)格维尔茨,(美)沃夫 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787506272971
- 出版日期:2007-3-1
《BARRON’S SAT 物理(2007)(英文版)》,点击进入:
《2007 BARRON'S SAT 化学》,点击进入:
《Barron’s SAT Ⅱ生物(含CD一张)》,点击进入:
《GRRBER’S SAT 综合指导与模拟试题2009 第12版》,点击进入:
This ninth edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Physics reflects changes that have taken place in both the examination and the curriculum since the release of the eighth edition.
The book begins with an introduction,which sets the stage for your review.In will learn about the structure of the SAT subject test in physics,methods for solving physics problems.and some general Information about the scoring of the test.This introduction iS followed by a diagnostic test(with full answers and explanations)that you can use as a reliminary assessment.After taking this diagnostic test,refer to the appropriate review chapters for additional information.The remainder of the book contains an extensive review of the material covered in a typical high school physics class.Chal-lenging questions are identified with the icon.You may need to use a calculator fot some of these questions.However,you may NOT use a calcu-lator for the practice tests or the actual SAT subject test.
Additional practice tests,with answers and explanations,are provided.These practice tests are comparable to the actual test.The appendices at the back of the book assist your review by discussing background math skills as well as providing useful charts,formulas,and tables.There is also a glossary of physics-related terms.
It iS both an honor and a pleasure to assist in the preparation of this latest edition.and I would like to thank several people.Linda Turner,Senior Editor at Barron's.has always been helpful to me with her guidance for all of my projects.My colleagues Bob Draper,Pat Jablonowski,and Joe Vaughan have been generous with their constant encouragement and professional advice in
regard to both content and pedagogy.Finally,I thank my wife,Karen,as well as my daughters.Marissa and Ilana,for their understanding,love,and support.
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