Educational System in China 中国教育体制
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
杨明 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787308065917
- 出版日期:2009-9-1
Dr. Ming Yang is a professor at the Department of Education of Zhejiang University, China. He is the author of several books including A Study on Financing Higher Education, and Government and Market: A Study on Policy of Financing Higher Education. In 2005, he won an UNESCO Fellowship and conducted research on educational quality in developing countries. He published The Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the People's Republic of China with Kiel University Press in Germany.
Educational System in China presents a comprehensive overview of the educational system in China at all levels, from primary and secondary schools to colleges and universities, covering such important topics as educational administration, management, provision, student admission and employment, financing education, educational evaluation, and quality assurance process that took place in Chinese educational institutions over a span of sixty years (1949-2009). The book examines how each educational system was adapting to great changes of the milieu, both internal and external, at different stages. It also deals with the general issues of each educational system and outlines possible solutions to these problems so that educational systems can continue to contribute to the quality of life in the future. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the field of education.
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