- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(美)哈利奥 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300088662
- 出版日期:2008-9-1
The Merchant of Venice, even in its own time, was considered Shakespeare's most controversial play.Now, one of the most popularly read and performed works, the play raises even more important issues for our day, particularly anti-Semitism and the treatment of Jews. Shakespeare scholar Jay Halio brings together his fascinating literary insights and his considerable knowledge of Shakespeare's world to this student casebook. His analysis of the play helps students interpret Shakespeare's plot and interwoven subplots, the sources that helped shape the play and the characters, and the thematic issues relating to justice, mercy and the myriad bonds of human relationships. This casebook also considers contemporary applications, with essays and editorials on current hate groups in the United States,the treatment of women, and male bonding. This casebook introduces students to the many issues in the play with a Literary and Dramatic Analysis chapter. Six topic chapters examine the play in its historical context, combining expert discussion and primary documents, making this ideal for interdisciplinary study.
JAY L. HALLO is Professor of English at the University of Delaware. He is author or editor of more than 20 books on Shakespeare and his contemporaries and also on modern American and British literature.
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