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  • ISBN£º9787030341228
  • ³ö°æÈÕÆÚ£º2012-5-1
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Representation and Processing of English Lexical Ambiguity by Chinese EFL Learners£¨ÖйúÓ¢ÓïѧϰÕßÆçÒå´Ê±íÕ÷Óë¼Ó¹¤Ñо¿£©´Ó´Ê»ãÓïÒå±íÕ÷ÐγÉÓë·¢Õ¹µÄ½Ç¶È£¬Ì½ÌÖÁËÖйúÓ¢ÓïѧϰÕßÔÚ´Ê»ã±íÕ÷½¨¹¹µÄ²»Í¬½×¶Î¡¢´Ê»ã¶àÒ岻ͬγ¶È£¨ÈýÖÖÆçÒå´Ê£©µÄͨ´ïÌØÕ÷¡£Ñо¿·¢ÏÖ£¬ÖйúÓ¢ÓïѧϰÕßµÄÆçÒå´Ê±íÕ÷ÊÇÒ»¸ö·¢Õ¹µÄģʽ£ºÍ¬ÐÎÆçÒå´ÊºÍתÓ÷¶àÒå´ÊµÄÐÄÀí±íÕ÷ËæѧϰÕßÓ¢ÓïˮƽµÄÌá¸ß¶ø¸ü¾ß·ÖÁ¢ÐÔ£»µ«ÔÚתÓ÷¶àÒåÕâ¸öά¶ÈÉÏ£¬´ÊÒåÖ®¼äµÄÁªÏµÇ¿¶È²»ÊÇËæ×ÅÓïÑÔˮƽµÄÌá¸ß¶ø¼õÈõ£¬¶øÊÇÏà·´¡£¾Í²»Í¬ÆçÒå´ÊµÄͨ´ïÌØÕ÷¶øÑÔ£¬ÖйúÓ¢ÓïѧϰÕßͨ´ïÈýÖÖÆçÒå´ÊµÄÌصãÏàͬ£¬¶¼×ñѭ˳Ðòͨ´ïģʽ¡£Õâ³ä·ÖÌåÏÖÁË»ùÓÚÓ÷¨ÀíÂÛµÄÓïÑÔѧϰ¹Û¡£
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 Definition of Lexical Ambiguity
1.3 Rationale for the Study
1.4 Research Questions
Chapter 2 Previous Studies of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution:General Issues
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Meaning Representation
2.2.1 Hierarchical Network Models
2.2.2 Activation Spreading Models
2.2.3 Distributed Memory Model
2.3 Word Recognition and Lexical Access
2.3.1 The Search Model
2.3.2 The Logogen Model
2.3.3 The Cohort Model
2.3.4 Factors Influencing Lexical Access
2.4 Semantic Priming
2.5 Second Language Lexicon
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Previous Studies of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution:Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Previous Studies of Homonymy Processing in L1
3.2.1 Fodor's Modularity Hypothesis
3.2.2 Five Models of Homonymy Processing in L1
3.3 Previous Studies of Suppression Mechanism in Homonymy Processing
3.4 Previous Studies of Homonymy Processing in L2
3.5 Previous Studies of Polysemy Processing in L1
3.5.1 Representation of Polysemous Words
3.5.2 Previous Studies of Polysemy Effects
3.5.3 Processing of Polysemy in L1
3.6 Previous Studies of Polysemy Processing in L2
3.7 Comments on the Previous Studies of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution
3.8 Summary
Chapter 4 Previous Studies of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution:Experimental Tasks
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Techniques
4.2.1 Ambiguity Detection Method
4.2.2 Processing Complexity Tasks
4.2.3 Priming Paradigm
4.3 The Nature of Sentential Context
4.4 The SOA Conditions
4.5 Comments on the Experimental Tasks
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Research Questions and Hypotheses
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Models Related to the Present Study
5.2.1 Ambiguous Words in Mind:Linguistic Models
5.2.2 Disambiguation of Lexical Ambiguity:Psycholinguistic Models
5.3 Research Questions
5.4 Hypotheses
5.5 Experimental Design and Predictions
5.5.1 Experiment One
5.5.2 Experiment Two
5.5.3 Experiment Three
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Experiment One:Selecting Contextually Appropriate Meanings
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Preparatory Studies
6.2.1 Preparatory Study I
6.2.2 Preparatory Study II
6.2.3 Preparatory Study III
6.3 Experiment One
6.3.1 Hypothesis,Design and Predictions
6.3.2 Participants
6.3.3 Materials
6.3.4 Procedure
6.3.5 Results
6.3.6 Discussion
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 Experiment Two:Suppressing Contextually Inappropriate Meanings
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Experiment Two
7.2.1 Hypothesis,Design and Predictions
7.2.2 Participants
7.2.3 Material
7.2.4 Procedure
7.2.5 Results
7.2.6 Discussion
7.3 Summary
Chapter 8 Experiment Three:Representation of English Lexical Ambiguity
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Experiment Three
8.2.1 Hypothesis,Design and Predictions
8.2.2 Participants
8.2.3 Materials
8.2.4 Procedure
8.2.5 Results
8.2.6 Discussion
8.3 Summary
Chapter 9 General Discussions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Discussion of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution Theories
9.2.1 L2 Processing of Homographs:The Ordered-Access Model
9.2.2 L2 Processing of Metonymic Polysemy:Specified,Not Underspecified
9.2.3 Comparison of the Processing of Different Ambiguous Words
9.3 L2 Lexical Ambiguity Resolution and Reading Comprehension
9.4 Summary
Chapter 10 Conclusions
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Conclusions
10.2.1 Conclusions about the Experiments
10.2.2 A Unified Picture for L2 Resolution of Lexical Ambiguity
10.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies
10.3.1 Limitations
10.3.2 Suggestions for Future Studies
10.4 Implications
10.4.1 Theoretical Implications
10.4.2 Pedagogical Implications
10.5 Summary
Appendix A:Ambiguous Words for Judgment
Appendix B:A Sample of Materials Used in Preparatory Study II
Appendix C:Dominance and Familiarity of the Ambiguous Meanings
Appendix D:Primes with Sentential Contexts and Their Targets
Appendix E:The Sense Relatedness Questionnaire
List of Tables
3-1 Experimental Materials Used in Swinney(1979)
3-2 Example Sentences Used in Frazier & Rayner(1990)
3-3 Sample Sentences Used in Pickering & Frisson(2001)
5-1 Kinds of Evidence Adduced by Croft
5-2 Predictions of Experiment One
5-3 Predictions of Interference Effects of Experiment Two
6-1 Word Length and Frequency of Related and Unrelated Primes
6-2 Tests of Word Length of Related and Unrelated Primes
6-3 Tests of Frequency of Related and Unrelated Primes
6-4 Participant Data in Terms of Age and Language Skills
6-5 Results of One-Way ANOVA Tests of Participants'Data between 200 ms Group and 500 ms Group
6-6 Results of One-Way ANOVA Test of Participants'Data between High and Low Proficiency Group
6-7 Sample Materials for Experiment One
6-8 Distribution of Participants and Experiment Trials
6-9 Data Deleted due to Incorrect Response,Outliers and Unknown Meanings
6-10 Mean RT(ms),SD(ms)and Errors by SOA,Subject Group,Frequency,Ambiguity Type and Sentence Type
6-11 Tests of Within-Subjects Effects(by participants)
6-12 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects(by participants)
6-13 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects(by items)
6-14 Tests of Within-Subjects Effects(by items)
6-15 The Results of Step-down Analysis of Relatedness by Dominance and Context(By participants)
6-16 The Results of Step-down Analysis of Relatedness by Dominance and Context(By items)
6-17 Priming Patterns across Proficiency Group and SOA Condition
7-1 Participants'Data in Terms of Age and Language Skills
7-2 Results of One-Way ANOVA Tests of Participants'Data between 200 ms and 500 ms
7-3 Results of One Way ANOVA Tests of Participants'Data between High and Low Proficiency Group
7-4 A Sample of Materials for Experiment Two
7-5 Data Deleted Due to Outliers and Unknown Meanings
7-6 Mean RTs(ms)to Related and Unrelated Targets across Proficiency,ISI,Ambiguity Type and Dominance
7-7 Tests of Within-Subjects Effects(by participants)
7-8 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects(by participants)
7-9 Tests of Within-Subjects Effects(by item)
7-10 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects(by item)
7-11 Step-down Analysis of Relatedness for Homograph Targets(by participants)
7-12 Step-down Analysis of Relatedness for Homograph Targets(by items)
7-13 Step-Down Analysis of Relatedness for Metaphoric Polysem Targets(by participants)
7-14 Step-down Analysis of Relatedness for Metaphoric Polysem Targets(by items)
7-15 Step-down Analysis of Relatedness for Metonymic Polysem Targets(by participants)
7-16 Step-down Analysis of Relatedness for Metonymic Polysem Targets(by items)
7-17 Mean PC(percentage of correctness)and SD by ISI,Proficiency,Meaning Frequency and Sentence Type
7-18 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of Normality(by participants)
7-19 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of Normality(by items)
7-20 Results of Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test for the By-Participants Data
7-21 Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test or ANOVA Test for the By-Items Data
7-22 Interference Patterns Obtained from RT and PC Analysis
8-1 Mean Scores across Proficiency and Ambiguity Type
8-2 Results of ANOVA Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
8-3 Analysis of Variance of the Scores for the Low Proficiency Group
8-4 Analysis of Variance of the Scores for the High Proficiency Group
8-5 Post Hoc Tests for Data of Low Proficiency Group
8-6 Post Hoc Tests for Data of High Proficiency Group
8-7 Analysis of Variance of Scores for Homonymy between Low and High Proficiency Group
8-8 Analysis of Variance of Scores for Metaphoric Polysemy between Low and High Proficiency Group
8-9 Analysis of Variance of Scores for Metonymic Polysemy between Low and High Proficiency Group
List of Figures
1-1 Classification of Lexical Ambiguity
2-1 Processing Modules in the Distributed Memory Model(Masson,1995:5)
2-2 Word Recognition in Forster's Search Model
3-1 A Continuum of the Five Models
5-1 Croft's Representation Model of Ambiguous Words
5-2 Tuggy's Model of Polysemic Representation
5-3 A Model of Homonymy and Polysemy Representation
5-4 An Alternative Model of Ambiguous Representation
5-5 A Developmental Model of Chinese EFL learners'Ambiguous Representation
6-1 A Sample of E-Prime Program of Experiment One
8-1 A Developmental Model of EFL Ambiguous Representation
9-1 L2 Representation of Homonymy
9-2 L2 Representation of Metonymic Polysemy
9-3 A High-Quality Representation for the Word Gate(Cited from Perfetti & Hart,2002:70)


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