轻松过关 注册会计师考试CPA英语词汇通关必备手册
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
吕鹏 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787301216583
- 出版日期:2013-1-1
PART Ⅰ China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants
PART Ⅱ Fundamentals to Audit
PART Ⅲ Auditing Procedures
PART Ⅳ Transaction Cycles
PART Ⅴ Considerations for Specific Items
PART Ⅵ Audit Finalization and Report
PART Ⅶ Common Verbs for Auditing
Financial Management and Cost Management
PART Ⅰ Fundamentals to Financial Management
PART Ⅱ Financial Valuation
PART Ⅲ Long—term InVestment
PART Ⅳ Long—term Financing
PART Ⅴ Working Capital Management
PART Ⅵ Cost Accounting
PARTⅦ Management Accounting
Corporate Strategy and Risk Management
PART Ⅰ Fundamentals to Strategy
PART Ⅱ External and Internal EnⅥronment Analysis
PART Ⅲ Strategy Selection and Implementation
PART Ⅳ Strategy Change Management
PART Ⅴ Financial Strategy
PART Ⅵ Internal Control
PART Ⅶ Risk Management Theory and Practice
PART Ⅷ Bankrupt
PART Ⅸ IT Management
会 计
PART Ⅰ Fundamentals to Accountin9
PART Ⅱ Financial Assets+
PART Ⅲ InVentory
PART Ⅳ Long—term Equity InVestments
PART Ⅴ Fixed Assets
PART Ⅵ Intangible Assets
PART Ⅶ InVestment PropertV
PART Ⅷ Impairment of Assets+
PART Ⅸ Liabilities&Equities
PART Ⅹ ReVenue.Expense and Profit
PART Ⅺ Financial Repots
PART ⅩⅡ Contingencies
PART ⅩⅢ Exchange of Non—monetary Assets
PART ⅩⅣ Debt Restructurings
PART ⅩⅤ GoVernment Grants
PART ⅩⅥ Borrowing Costs
PART ⅩⅦ Share based Payment
PART ⅩⅧ Income Tax
PART ⅪⅩ Foreign Currency Translation
PART ⅩⅪ Changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates and
Corrections of Errors
PART ⅩⅩⅡ EVents after the Balance Sheet Date
PART ⅩⅩⅢ Business Combinations
PART ⅩⅩⅣ Consolidated Financial Statements
PART ⅩⅩⅤ Earnings Per Share
Ecnomic Laws
PART Ⅰ Company Law
PART Ⅱ Security Law
PART Ⅲ Enterprise Bankruptcy Law
PART Ⅳ Anti—unfair Competition Law
PART Ⅴ Anti—monopoly Law
PART Ⅵ Contract Law+
Taxation Laws
PART Ⅱ Business Tax Law
PART Ⅲ Enterprise Income Tax Law
PART Ⅵ Indi Vidual Income Tax Law
PART Ⅴ Others
附录一 常见写作用词
附录二 词汇表
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试辅导教材-《会计》 | 中国注册会.. | 中国财政经济出版.. | ¥49.00¥39.00 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试辅导教材-税法 | 中国注册会.. | 经济科学出版社 | ¥45.00¥42.80 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试辅导教材-审计 | 中国注册会.. | 经济科学出版社 | ¥54.00¥45.90 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试辅导教材-《财务成本管理.. | 中国注册会.. | 中国财政经济出版.. | ¥49.00¥38.70 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试辅导教材-《经济法》 | 中国注册会.. | 中国财政经济出版.. | ¥49.00¥41.70 |
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税法-轻松过关一《2012年注册会计师考试应试指导及全真模.. | 刘颖 编著 | 北京大学出版社 | ¥48.00¥29.00 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试·审计·应试指南(梦想成.. | 中华会计网.. | 人民出版社 | ¥42.00¥22.10 |
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2012年度注册会计师全国统一考试·经济法·应试指南(梦想.. | 中华会计网.. | 人民出版社 | ¥42.00¥25.60 |
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财务管理辅导教材(附光盘) ——2012年注册会计师(CPA)全国.. | 《财务管理.. | 人民邮电出版社 | ¥50.00¥39.00 |
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全国注册会计师执业资格考试考点采分——会计 | 尚元君 主.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥66.00¥52.80 |
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