简明中国近现代史=An Introduction to Modern China History
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
秦珊 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787811353549
- 出版日期:2009-9-1
Part Ⅰ The Opium Wars and the Characteristics Changing of China Society
1. The Situation of China before the First Opium War
2. The British Opium Smuggling and the Anti-opium Campaign in china
3. The First Opium War
4. The Consequences of the First Opium War to China Society
5. The Second Opium War
6. The Appearance of the New Ideological
Part Ⅱ Self-Strengthening in the Age of Accelerated Foreign Imperialism
1. The Domestic Situation of China during the Opium Wars
2. The Self-Strengthening Movement
3. Foreign Affairs during the Self-Strengthening Movement
4. The Sino-French War
5. The First Sino-Japanese War
Part Ⅲ Reform under the Menace of Partition
1. The Menace of Partition
2. The Reform Movement and Hundred Days Reform
3. The Boxer Movement
4. Late-Qing Reforms and the Constitutional Movement
Part Ⅳ Revolution and Republic
1. The Situation of China at the Turn of the 20th Century
2. The Rise of the Bourgeoisie Revolutionary Groups
3. The Further Unstable of the Qing Dynasty and the Xinhai Revolution
4. The Founding of the Republic of China
5. The Protection of the Republic (1912- 1920)
Part Ⅴ Ideological Awakening and the National Revolution
1. The Intellectual Revolution
2. The May Fourth Movement, 1919
3. The Expansion of the New Culture Movement and the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party
4. The Nationalist Party Reorganization and the First United Front
5. The Rise of the Nationalist Movement
Part Ⅵ The Struggling of the Nanjing Government from 1927 to 1937
1. The Politic Power Struggle
2. The Struggle for National Reconstruction
3. The Chinese Communist Party's Struggle
Part Ⅶ The War of Resistance against Japan ( 1937 - 1945 )
1. The Japanese Invasion Activities to China before 1937
2. Japanese Full-Scale Attack to China
3. Chinese Resistance Strategy before the Entrance of Western Allies
Part Ⅷ The Civil War in China(1945-1949)and the Establishment of the People's Republic of China
References Books
书名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 价格 | 购买 |
刑法学(第四版) | 张明楷 著 | 法律出版社 | ¥88.00¥68.20 |
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约翰·汤普森简易钢琴教程:(2) | (美)汤普.. | 上海音乐出版社 | ¥13.00¥8.80 |
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钢琴基础教程(修订版)(1) | 韩林申 等.. | 上海音乐出版社 | ¥25.00¥19.20 |
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剑桥插图英国戏剧史 | (英)特拉.. | 山东画报出版社 | ¥60.00¥47.60 |
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民法练习题集 第三版(21世纪法学系列教材配套辅导用书) | 王轶 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥46.00¥31.90 |
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法理学(第四版) | 张文显 主.. | 高等教育出版社 | ¥35.00¥30.80 |
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法理学练习题集(第二版)(21世纪法学系列教材配套辅导用.. | 朱景文 主.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥45.00¥34.00 |
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社会学(第十一版) | (美)波普.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥98.00¥78.40 |
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刑法分则的解释原理(第二版)上下(21世纪法学研究生参考.. | 张明楷 著 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥148.00¥103.90 |
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新闻学概论(第四版) | 李良荣 著 | 复旦大学出版社 | ¥39.00¥28.30 |
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合同法(第五版) | 崔建远 主.. | 法律出版社 | ¥46.00¥33.90 |
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