- 所属分类:
- 作者:
卢植 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787040320312
- 出版日期:2011-5-1
1 Introduction to Applied LinEuistics Synopsis 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Definition of Appfied Linguistics 1.3.The Nature of Appfied Linguistics 1.4 Fields Overlapping with Applied Linguistics 1.5 Structure of This Couebook Further Reading Questio for Practice 2 Contrastive Linguistics and Interlanguage Synopsis 2.1 Introduction 2.2 What Is Contrastive Linguistics? 2.3 The Differences Between L1 and L2 2.4 Interlanguage and Language Trafer 2.5 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 3 Communicative Competence Synopsis 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Sociolinguistic Approaches to Applied Linguistics 28 3.3 Composition of Communicative Competence 3.4 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 4 Culture and 0ntercultural Communication Synopsis 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Culture 4.3 Cultural Competence and Intercultural Communication 4.4 Language,Thought and Culture 4.5 Culture and Language in Use 4.6 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 5 PsyCh005ngu5st5Cs and Multilingual Processing Synopsis 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Psycholinguistics to Applied Linguistics 5.3 Cognitive Mechanisms in Language Learning 5.4 The Multilingual Processing 5.5 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 6 Corous Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Synopsis 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Types of Corpora 6.3 Characteristics of Research in Corpus Linguistics 6.4 Approaches in Corpus-Based Research 6.5 Pedagogical Implicatio 6.6 Recommended Websites Further Reading Questio for Practice 7 Conveation Analysis and Applied Linguistics Synopsis 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The Organization of Conveation 7.3 Talk in Contexts 7.4 Conveation Analysis to Applied Linguistics 7.5 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 8 Discoue Analysis and Language Teaching Synopsis 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Discoue Analysis 8.3 Discoue Analysis Interesting to Applied Linguists 8.4 Pedagogical lmplicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 9 Syllabus Design for Language Program Synopsis 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Types of Syllabuses 9.3 Steps for Syllabus Design 9.4 Effectiveness of a Syllabus 9.5 Organizing Principles 9.6 Pedagogical lmplicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 10 Language Teacher and Teacher Development Synopsis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Teache Orientation 10.3 Supporting Teache 10.4 Successful Teaching 10.5 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 11 Learner Facto and Individual Differences Synopsis 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Age 11.3 Language Aptitude 11.4 Cognitive Facto 11.5 Affective and Peonality Facto 11.6 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice 12 Testing and Assessment Synopsis 12.1 Introduction 12.2 The Categories of Tests 12.3 Tests Design and Cotruction 12.4 Explain and Use Test Results 12.5 Pedagogical Implicatio Further Reading Questio for Practice Bibliography
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