全国电力职业教育规划教材 电力专业英语创新教程
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
王凤兰,张虹 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787508371757
- 出版日期:2009-6-1
Unit one
Lesson One
Conversation: At Metalwork Practice
Text: The Views of Engineering Drafting
Further reading: Principal (Orthographic) Views
Lesson Two
Text: Machine Elements
Further reading: Belt Drivers
Lesson Three
Text: Engineering Materials
Further reading: Mechanical Properties of Metals
Unit two
Lesson One
Conversation: About Computers
Text: Personal Computer (I)
Further reading: Application of Office Automation
Lesson Two
Text: Personal Computer (2)
Further reading: Basic Knowledge of Excel
Lesson Three
Text: New Generation Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Further reading: Robotics
Unit Three
Lesson One
Conversation: About Generators
Text: Site Selection
Further reading: Operational Roles
Lesson Two
Text: The Generator in Drax Power Plant
Further reading: The Pilot Exciter
Lesson Three
Text: Grounding and Cable
Further reading: Major Insulation Types
Unit Four
Lesson One
Conversation: At the Service Counter
Text: Measurement of Resistance
Further reading: Electrical Engineering
Lesson Two
Text: About Power Plants
Further reading: Control System
Lesson Three
Text: CAD and Applications
Further reading: Electric Circuit (1)
Unit Five
Lesson One
Conversation: At a Power Supply Business Counter
Text: Overhead Lines
Further reading: Electrical Circuit (2)
Lesson Two
Text: Power Supply
Further reading: Electrical Safety (1)
Lesson Three
Text: The Control System
Further reading: Electrical Safety (2)
Unit Six
Lesson One
Conversation: At a Substation
Text: A Protective Relay
Further reading: Transformer
Lesson Two
Text: Distribution Automation Increases Reliability
Further reading: Relays (1)
Lesson Three
Text: The Electrical Mimic Board
Further reading: Relays (2)
Unit Seven
Lesson One
Conversation: Practical and Electronic Technology
Text: The Transistor
Further reading: The Transistor's Basic Circuit
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
书名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 价格 | 购买 |
机械专业英语图解教程 | 朱派龙 主.. | 北京大学出版社 | ¥22.00¥17.20 |
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财务会计英语[第二版] | 孙耀远 编.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥40.90¥30.60 |
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报关与国际货运专业英语-中国报关协会统编高职高专精品教.. | 荣瑾 主编 | 中国海关出版社 | ¥38.00¥28.50 |
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幼师英语(创新职业英语系列教材)(含光盘一张) | 陈艳丽,郑.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥25.00¥18.20 |
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机械英语(国家示范性高职高专规划教材·机械基础系列) | 吴燕 主编 | 清华大学出版社有.. | ¥29.00¥20.10 |
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国际物流和货代英语实训(国家示范性高职院校建设成果·职.. | 刘梅,胡扬.. | 清华大学出版社 | ¥20.00¥16.00 |
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服务外包英语(21世纪高职高专规划教材·服务外包系列)附.. | 陈素花 主.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥34.80¥28.00 |
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全国高职高专医疗器械类专业“十二五”规划教材——医疗器.. | 师丽华 主.. | 人民卫生出版社 | ¥19.00¥15.20 |
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(高职高专)世纪商务英语 外贸函电(第二版)(商务英语类) | 吴思乐,胡.. | 大连理工大学出版.. | ¥35.00¥28.00 |
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高职院校“3+证书”考试·英语复习辅导 | 徐燕,黄光.. | ¥27.00¥13.60 |
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外贸英语函电(高职高专商务英语实训系列教材;浙江省高校.. | 徐腾飞,应.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥29.00¥23.30 |
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电子与通信技术专业英语(第3版) | 刘小芹,刘.. | 人民邮电出版社 | ¥29.50¥22.10 |
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外贸英语函电(21世纪高职高专经济贸易类实用规划教材) | 郑文玲 主.. | 清华大学出版社 | ¥30.00¥20.80 |
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商务现场口译(高职高专商务英语实践系列教材) | 徐小贞 总.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥29.90¥22.40 |
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新视野商务英语视听说(上)(教师用书) | 马龙海 主.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥18.90¥14.10 |
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新视野商务英语视听说(下)(教师用书)(附光盘) | 马龙海 主.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥18.90¥14.10 |
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商务英语阅读(高职高专商务英语实训系列教材;浙江省高校.. | 李丹 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥48.00¥38.60 |
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高职英语课堂活动设计(21世纪高职高专规划教材·公共课系.. | 方国爱 等.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥23.80¥19.10 |
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计算机专业英语(21世纪高职高专规划教材——计算机专业基.. | 陈贤平 主.. | 清华大学出版社 | ¥28.00¥21.00 |
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石材商贸物流与专业英语 | 张云凤 等.. | 黄河水利出版社 | ¥48.00¥34.90 |
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商务现场口译(教师)(高职高专商务英语实践系列教材) | 徐小贞 总.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥24.90¥18.60 |
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国际酒店服务英语(新视界大学英语/高职高专精品系列;海.. | 谢钰 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥24.00¥19.30 |
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会计专业英语(21世纪高职高专会计类专业课程改革规划教材.. | 严郁 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥25.00¥20.10 |
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实用护理英语(含1CD)(高职行业英语) | 江晓东 主.. | 重庆大学出版社 | ¥26.00¥19.50 |
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(高职高专)会展英语实用教程(会展类) | 李红英 主.. | 大连理工大学出版.. | ¥24.00¥19.20 |
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