职场商务英语实训教程 (全国高等职业教育“十二五”规划教材)
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
陈凯军,陈跃华,赵迎春 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787508488851
- 出版日期:2011-9-1
Unit One Establishment of Your Company
Item 1 Naming a Company
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 2 Designing a Company Logo
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 3 Setting-up the Company Structure
I. Practice Guides
If. Practice Assignments
Item 4 Recruiting and Applying for Sales
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 5 Delivering a Company Presentation..
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Two Development and Reception of Customers
Item 6 On the Phone
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 7 At the Airport
I. Practice Guides
II. Pratice Assignments
Item 8 Business Dinner and Sightseeing
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 9 Business Trip Arrangements
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Three Products Promotion
Item 10 Marketing Research
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 11 Marketing Plan
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 12 Market Targeting
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 13 Marketing Strategy
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 14 Promotion Activities
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Four Import and Export Practice
Item 15 Attending a Trade Fair
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 16 Establishing Business Relations
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 17 Making an Enquiry
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 18 Making an Offer
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 19 Making a Counter-offer
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 20 Confirming an Order & Signing the Contract
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 21 Amending the L/C
1. Practice Guides
I1. Practice Assignments
Item 22 Arranging Insurance
1. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 23 Making Delivery
I. Practice Guides
I1. Practice Assignment
Item 24 Lodging and Settling the Claims
I. Practice Guides
1I. Practice Assignments
书名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 价格 | 购买 |
英美概况导读 | 张富生,曹.. | 河南人民出版社 | ¥34.00¥25.50 |
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财务会计英语[第二版] | 孙耀远 编.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥40.90¥30.60 |
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幼师英语(创新职业英语系列教材)(含光盘一张) | 陈艳丽,郑.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥25.00¥18.20 |
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机械英语(国家示范性高职高专规划教材·机械基础系列) | 吴燕 主编 | 清华大学出版社有.. | ¥29.00¥20.10 |
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国际物流和货代英语实训(国家示范性高职院校建设成果·职.. | 刘梅,胡扬.. | 清华大学出版社 | ¥20.00¥16.00 |
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电力英语阅读与翻译 | 刘健 主编 | 水利水电出版社 | ¥38.00¥30.40 |
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服务外包英语(21世纪高职高专规划教材·服务外包系列)附.. | 陈素花 主.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥34.80¥28.00 |
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服装英语实用教材(第二版)(赠光盘) | 张宏仁 主.. | 中国纺织出版社 | ¥36.00¥27.40 |
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(高职高专)世纪商务英语 外贸函电(第二版)(商务英语类) | 吴思乐,胡.. | 大连理工大学出版.. | ¥35.00¥28.00 |
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高职院校“3+证书”考试·英语复习辅导 | 徐燕,黄光.. | ¥27.00¥13.60 |
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外贸英语函电(高职高专商务英语实训系列教材;浙江省高校.. | 徐腾飞,应.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥29.00¥23.30 |
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英美概况 | 赵春荣 主.. | 北京语言大学出版.. | ¥29.80¥21.00 |
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商务现场口译(高职高专商务英语实践系列教材) | 徐小贞 总.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥29.90¥22.40 |
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商务英语阅读(高职高专商务英语实训系列教材;浙江省高校.. | 李丹 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥48.00¥38.60 |
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高职英语课堂活动设计(21世纪高职高专规划教材·公共课系.. | 方国爱 等.. | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥23.80¥19.10 |
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实用护理英语(含1CD)(高职行业英语) | 江晓东 主.. | 重庆大学出版社 | ¥26.00¥19.50 |
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(高职高专)会展英语实用教程(会展类) | 李红英 主.. | 大连理工大学出版.. | ¥24.00¥19.20 |
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新世纪交际英语教程.3.学生用书(附光盘) | 徐秋梅 主.. | 北京大学出版社 | ¥23.00¥18.00 |
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外贸英语与函电实训(国家示范性高职院校建设成果 职业英.. | 周欣奕 等.. | 清华大学出版社 | ¥45.00¥31.20 |
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英文外贸函电 | 樊红霞,汪.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥21.90¥17.90 |
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高职高专英语词汇手册 | 朱蓝辉,刘.. | 东南大学出版社 | ¥18.80¥13.70 |
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外贸跟单英语 | 周树玲 主.. | 对外经济贸易大学.. | ¥13.00¥10.40 |
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新视野商务英语视听说(上)(教师用书) | 马龙海 主.. | 外语教学与研究出.. | ¥18.90¥14.10 |
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实用旅游英语(第二版)(21世纪高职高专规划教材·旅游与.. | 杨华 主编 | 中国人民大学出版.. | ¥38.00¥30.40 |
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当代商务英语阅读教程1 学生用书 | 井升华 主.. | 华东师范大学出版.. | ¥38.00¥27.60 |
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