- 所属分类:
- 作者:
李晓红 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787302272878
- 出版日期:2012-1-1
unit one money, monetary policy and the function of money
part a text
i. the meaning of money
ii. the origins and kinds of money
iii. the functions of money
iv. the monetary policy and money supply
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit two foreign exchange, exchange rate and foreign exchange
part a text
i. foreign exchange
ii. exchange rate
iii. foreign exchange market
iv. elements influencing exchange rates
v. types of foreign exchange transactions
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit three financial instruments
part a text
i. definition of financial instruments
ii. categorization
iii. traditional financial instruments
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit four commercial banks
part a text
i. what is a commercial bank?
ii. the history of commercial banks
iii. the operations of commercial banks
iv. the commercial banks in china
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit five central bank
part a text
i. brief introduction of central banks
ii. the history of central bank
iii. the functions of the central bank
iv. the central bank and monetary policy
v. the people's bank of china (pbc)
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit six financial markets
part a text
i. functions of financial markets
ii. the major players in financial markets
iii. types of markets
iv. types of investment risk
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit seven insurance
part a text
i. insurable interest
ii. insurance premium
iii. insurance policy or certificate
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit eight inflation
part a text
i. measuring inflation
ii. effects of inflation
iii. causes of inflation
iv. controlling inflation
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit nine balance of payments
part a text
i. what is the balance of payments (bop)?
ii. current account
iii. capital account
iv. financial account
v. official international reserves
vi. net errors and omissions
vii. balance of payments equilibrium
viii. bop adjustment
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit ten the international monetary system
part a text
i. the gold standard system
ii. the bretton woods system
iii. the floating exchange rate system
iv. the european monetary system
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit eleven payment in international trade
part a text
i. modes of international payment
ii. remittance
iii. collection
iv. letter of credit
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
unit twelve international finance organization
part a text
i. the international monetary fund (imf)
ii. the world bank
iii. the asian development bank (adb)
part b words & phrases
part c terminology practice
part d exercises
part e supplementary reading
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