
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    从莱庭,徐鲁亚,魏海燕 编
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787300144696
  • 出版日期:2011-9-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:







chapter i forms of writing (1): faclual
 section 1 book review
 i sample: to kill a mockingbird
 ii lecture: writing a book review
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 2 news report
 i samples: 1 phoenix robot to dig on martian surface
 2 doctor of death
 ii lecture: writing a news report
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 3 business contract
 i samples: 1 employment contract
 2 memorandum of publication agreement
 ii lecture: writing a business contract
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 4 library research paper (1): scholarly journal article
 i sample: reinventing rhetoric: the classical canon in the computer age
 ii lecture: the stylistic features of library research paper and the writing of scholarly journal article
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 5 library research paper (2): term paper
 i sample: a romantic ending in an anti-romantic novel: does jane eyre end well?
 ii lecture: the reference format of library research paper and the writing of term paper
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 6 library research paper (3): graduation paper
 i sample: pun and metonymy in english advertising ma cognitive pragmatics perspective
 ii lecture: more guidance for library research paper and the writing of graduation paper
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
chapter i iforms of writing (2): emotive
 section 1 familiar essay
 i sample: zap the sap
 ii lecture: writing a familiar essay
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 2 public speech
 i sample: the perils of indifference
 ii lecture: writing a public speech
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 3 commentatorial essay
 i sample: metaphors of the world, unite!
 ii lecture: writing a commentatorial essay-
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 4 argumentative essay
 i sample: in defense of david denby
 ii lecture: writing an argumentative essay -
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 5 satirical essay
 i sample: they also serve who only plod--
 ii lecture: writing a satirical essay
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 6 lyric essay
 i sample: hanover square
 ii lecture: writing a lyric essay
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
chapter iii styles of language and styles of writings
 section 1 styles of language
 i sample: 1 declaration of honorary citizen of the united states of america
 2 remarks by president john f kennedy
 3 trolls
 ii lecture: stylistic characteristics of language elements
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 2 styles of writings (1): styles of different forms
 i sample: 1 diplomatic note
 2 life on pifiata island: a lyric essay
 ii lecture: styles of different forms
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 3 stylesof writings (2): styles of different writers
 i sample: 1 make your golf cart your primary vehicle
 2 the case for rage and retribution
 ii lecture: styles of different writers
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 4 styles of writings (3): styles of different schools
 i sample: 1 brewing beer
 2 on wit
 ii lecture: styles of different schools
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 5 styles of writings (4): styles of different nationalities
 i sample: 1 lincoln and reconstruction
 2 julian's philosophy of life
 ii lecture: styles of different nationalities
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
 section 6 styles of writings (5): styles of different times
 i sample: 1 euphues
 2 james boswell
 3 on simplicity
 ii lecture: styles of different times
 iii meditation and exercises
 iv writing
reference books and articles


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