- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(英)菲利普·盖斯凯尔 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787307050044
- 出版日期:2006-7-1
Reading the classics today - the classical canon - the classics in translation - the form
and pronunciation of Greek and Latin names- metre in classical verse - dates - Roman numerals - maps
I The Homeric age
1 The spread of civilisation: the past in the present - from neolithic tribalism to the first cities - the Minoans
2 The Greeks: the Mycenaeans - Dark-Age Greece - the Greek language - the Greek alphabet - Bronze-Age society and culture- Mycenaean religion
3 Homer and epic poetry: the background- the Iliad - the Odyssey - Hesiod
II Greece in the fifth century BC From Archaic to early-Classical Greece: Athens - Sparta - the Persian Wars - women,resident foreigners, and slaves - colonisation
5 Religion, the arts, education, and books: religious beliefs and practices - architecture - painting - sculpture - music - education, literacy, and books
6 Lyric poetry: Pindar and his predecessors: the lyric - Sappho and Anacreon - Pindar
7 Sophocles and Athenian drama: tragedy - the three tragedians - Aeschylus - Sophocles - Euripides - Aristophanes and comedy
8 Herodotus and Greek history: Greek historians- Herodotus and the Persian Wars - Thucydides
and the Peloponnesian War - Xenophon and the Persian Expedition
9 Plato and philosophy: the pre-Socratics - Socrates - Plato - Aristotle Interchapter: the Hellenistic age Alexander's empire and its successors- language and society - the visual arts - literature - history - philosophy and science - scholarship and libraries
III Late-Republican and early-Imperial Rome
10 The expansion of Rome: from city-state to superstate - the Latin languag- Roman names
11 Republic and Empire: conquest abroad, strife at home - politics and society - religion
12 Maintaining the state: economics and technology - the Roman army
13 The arts: painting, sculpture, and architecture - drama: Plautus, Terence, Seneca -education,books, and libraries
14 Cicero: rhetoric and philosophy - the legacy of Greece: rhetoric, philosophy - Cicero - Seneca
15 Virgil: from pastoral to epic - Theocritus and pastoral poetry - Virgil - the Eclogues -
the Georgics - the Aeneid - Virgil's reputation and influence
16 Horace: epigram, lyric, and satire - Catullus- Horace - Juvenal
17 Ovid: love poetry and the novel - Ovid - the novel - Longus - Petronius - Apuleius
18 Tacitus and Roman history: Roman historians- Caesar and the Gallic War - SaUust - Livy - Tacitus - Plutarch - Suetonius Afterword
Appendix: Classical studies
The survival of ancient texts - the transmission of texts - textual scholarship - history and archaeology
Reference bibliography
Index and guide to pronunciation
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