- 所属分类:
- 作者:
常俊跃,吕春媚,赵永青 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787301191729
- 出版日期:2011-9-1
unit 1 an introduction to intercultural communication
text a intercultural communication
text b the importance of training intercultural communication
text c the era of intercultural communication
text d stereotypes: an intercultural no-no
text e chinese and american understandings on
unit 2 understanding communication
text a components of communication
text b features of communication
text c how long does it take to say i'm getting married
unit 3 verbal communication (i)
text a cultural differences on lexical level
text b translation and cultures
text c how to improve verbal communication
unit 4 verbal communication (ii)
text a compliments in chinese and american english (1)
text b compliments in chinese and american english (2)
text c how to address people.'?
text d conversation and culture
unit 5 nonverbal communication (i)
text a nonverbal communication
text b making a gesture
text c every body' s talking
text d top 10 nonverbal communication tips
unit 6 nonverbal communication (ii)
text a how big is your space bubble
text b time sense: polychronicity and monochronicity
text c eye contact
unit 7 cross-gender communication
text a gender differences in communication
text b six principles for effective cross-gender
text c gender issues
unit 8 understanding culture
text a what is culture?
text b features of culture
text c how long does it take to say i' m getting married
unit 9 cultural diversity
text a the basic unit of society: the individual or the
text b family structure
text c friendship of american style
unit 10 cultural influence on perception
text a shakespeare in the bush
text b generalizations and stereotypes
text c american stereotypes of china
unit 11 culture shock
text a culture shock
text b how to survive culture shock
text c can you survive reverse culture shock?
unit 12 cultural differences in education
text a classroom expectations
text b 15 important cultural differences in the classroom
text c classroom culture
unit 13 cultural differences in etiquette and protocol
text a international gift-giving etiquette
text b business card etiquette
text c how tipping works
unit 14 cultural differences in business negotiation
text a cross-cultural negotiation
text b how to steer clear of pitfalls in cross-cultural
text c the top ten ways culture affects negotiating style
unit 15 developing intercultural competence
text a a four-step approach to intercultural communication
text b developing intercultural communication
text c cultural awareness
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