
  • 所属分类:
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    蔡龙权 主编,李志强,刘晋 编著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787547801215
  • 出版日期:2010-9-1
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This book mainly aims to provide an overview of the representatives of Humanism in Western culture.According to the definition in Encarta Dictionary, the meaning of"Humanism" falls into three categories: 1.Belief in a human-based morality: a system of thought that is based on the values, characteristics, and behavior that are believed to be best in human beings, rather than on any supernatural authority;2.Concem for people: a concem with the needs, well-being, and interests of people;3.or Hu.man.ism Renaissance cultural movement: the secular cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that spread throughout Europe as a result of the rediscovery of the arts and philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Part Ⅰ Ancient Greek and Roman Period
 1.Plato / From Republic
 2.Herodotus / From The History of Herodotus
 3.Aristotle / From Poetics
 4.Epicurus / From Letter to Menoeceus
 5.Plotinus / From On the Intellectual Beauty
 6.Dionysius Longinus / From On the sublime
 7.Quintus Hoaratius Flaccus / From Art of Poetry
 8.Saint Augustine/ From The City of God 
Part Ⅱ Renaissance Period
 9.Petrarch / From To Marcus Tullius Cicero
 10.Leonardo Bruni / From Panegyric to the City of Florence
 11.Giovanni Pico della Mirandola / From Oration on the Dignity of Man
 12.Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus / From The Praise of Folly
 13.Niccol6 Machiavelli / From The Prince
 14.Sir Philip Sidney / From The Poet: Compared and Contrasted
 With Historian and Philosopher
 15.Rene Descartes / From Principia Philosophiae
 16.Frances Bacon / From Novum Organum
 17.Thomas Hobbes / From Leviathan 
Part Ⅲ Modem Period
 18.John Locke / From An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
 19.Baruch Spinoza / From Ethics
 20.Gottfried Leibniz / From A Philosopher's Creed
 21.Giambattista Vico / From The New Science
 22.George Berkeley / From Principals of Human Knowledge
 23.Baron de Montesquieu / From The Spirit of Law
 24.David Hume / FromA Treatise of Human Nature
 25.Jean Jacques Rousseau / From The Social Contract (Book 1)
 26.Adam Smith / From An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Book1)
 27.Immanuel Kant / From Critique of Pure Reason
 28.Edmund Burke / From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful
 29.Thomas Paine / From The Rights of Man
 30.Thomas Jefferson / From Declaration oflndependence
 31.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / From The Sorrows of Young Werther
 32.Friedrich Schiller / From On the Aesthetic Education of Man: In a Series of Letters
 33.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / From The Science of Logic
 34.Ralph Waldo Emerson / From History
 35.John Stuart Mill / From On Liberty
 36.Lewis Henry Morgan / From Ancient Society
 37.Karl Heinrich Marx / From Capital
 38.Herbert Spencer / From The Principles of Sociology1
 39.Matthew Arnold / From The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
 40.Leo Tolstoy / From WhatlsArt?
 41.William James / From Pragmatism
 42.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche / From Thus Spake Zarathustra
 43.John Bates Clark / From The Distribution of Wealth
 44.Sir James George Frazer / From The Golden Bough
 45.Sigrnund Freud / From Civilization and its Discontents
 46.Ferdinand de Saussure / From Writings in General Linguistics
 47.Franz Boas / From The Mind of Primitive Man
 48.Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl / From Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology 
Part Ⅳ Contemporary Period
 49.John Dewey / From On Democracy
 50.George Santayana / From The Sense of Beauty: Being an Outline of Aesthetic Theory
 51.Hermann Ebbinghaus / From Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology
 52.Bertrand Russell / FromA Free Man's Worship
 53.Albert Einstein / From Why Socialism?
 54.Elton Mayo / From The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization
 55.John Maynard Keynes / From The Economic Consequences of the Peace
 56.Bronistaw Kasper Malinowski / From Magic, Science, and Religion
 57.Georg Lukacs / From History and Class Consciousness
 58.Martin Heidegger / From Being and Time
 59.LudwigJosefJohannWittgenstein/FromTractatus Logico-Philosophicus
 60.Robin George Collingwood / From The Idea of History
 61.Hans-George Gadamer / From Truth and Method
 62.Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre / From Being and Nothingness
 63.Claude Levi-Strauss / From The Savage Mind
 64.JohnRawls/FromA Theory of Justice
 65.Abraham Harold Maslow / FromA Theory of Human Motivation
 66.Michel Foucault / FromArchaeology of Knowledge
 67.Jean Piaget / From The Child's Conception of the World
 69.George P.Lakoff & Mark L.Johnson / From Philosophy in the Flesh 
Part Ⅴ Ancient Chinese Period
 70.Confucius / From The Analects
 71.Laozi / From Dao De Jing
 72.Mozi / From Mozi
 73.Mencius / From Mencius


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