几何与分析(第I卷) Geometry and Analysis(Vol.I)

  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    季理真 主编
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787040302721
  • 出版日期:2010-9-1
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This book contains many substantial papers from distinguished speakers of a conference "Geometric Analysis: Present and Future" and an overview of the works of Professor Shing-Tung Yau. Contributors include E. Wit-ten, Y.T. Siu, R. Hamilton, H. Hitchin, B. Lawson, A. Strominger, C. Vafa, W. Schmid, V. Guillemin, N. Mok, D. Christodoulou. This is a valuable reference that gives an up-to-dated summary of geometric analysis and its applications in many different areas of mathematics.
part 1 summary of and commentaries on the work of shing-tung yau
 curriculum vitae of shing-tung yau
 a brief overview of the work of shing-tung yau
 lizhen ji
 1 introduction
 2 a summary of some major works of yau
 3 topics yau has worked on
 4 basics on kaihler-einstein metrics and calabi conjectures
 5 some applications of kaihler-einstein metrics and calabi-yau manifolds
 6 harmonic maps
 7 rigidity of kahler manifolds
 8 super-rigidity of spaces of nonpositive curvature
 9 survey papers by yau
 10 open problems by yau
 ll books written and co-written by yau
 12 books edited and co-edited by yau
 13 ph.d. students of yau
 14 partial list of papers and books of yau
 yau's work on filtering problem
 wen-lin chiou, jie huang and lizhen ji
 1 filtering problem
 2 yau's two methods in solving nonlinear filtering problem
 2.1 direct method
 2.2 algorithm for real time solution without memory
 from continues to discrete - yau's work on graph theory
 fan chung
 yau's work on moduli, periods, and mirror maps for calabi-yau manifolds
 charles f. doran
 1 construction of calabi-yau threefolds
 2 picard-fuchs equations and the mirror map
 3 arithmetic properties of mirror maps
 4 periods and moduli of complex tori and k3 surfaces
 review on yau's work on the coupled einstein equations and the wave dynamics in the kerr geometry
 felix finster
 1 coupling the einstein equations to non-abelian gauge fields and dirac spinors
 2 the dynamics of linear waves in the kerr geometry
 the work of witten and yau on the ads/cft correspondence
 gregory j. galloway
 1 introduction
 2 the witten-yau results on ads/cft
 3 further developments
 yau's work on heat kernels
 alexander grigor'yan
 1 the notion of the heat kernel
 2 estimating heat kernels
 3 some applications of the heat kernel estimates
 yau's contributions to engineering fields
 xianfeng david gu
 1 introduction
 2 computational conformal geometry
 2.1 conformal structure
 2.2 harmonic map
 2.3 surfacericci flow
 2.4 conformal mappings
 2.5 quasi-conformal mappings
 2.6 teichmiiller space
 3 geometric acquisition
 4 computer graphics
 5 geometric modeling
 6 medical imaging
 7 computer vision
 8 wireless sensor network
 9 summary
 the syz proposal
 naichung conan leung
 1 pre-syz
 2 the birth of syz
 3 the growing up of syz
 3.1 special lagrangian geometry
 3.2 special lagrangian fibrations
 3.3 affine geometry
 3.4 syz transformation
 4 future of syz
 yau- zaslow formula
 naichung conan leung
 yau's work on function theory: harmonic functions, eigenvalues and the heat equation
 peter li
 a vision of yau on mirror symmetry
 bong lian
 1 enumerative geometry
 2 geometry of calabi-yau manifolds and their moduli spaces
 yau's work on group actions
 kefeng liu
 cheng and yau's work on the monge-ampere equation and affine geometry
 john loftin, xu-jia wang and deane yang
 1 introduction
 2 the monge-ampere equation
 3 cheng and yau's work on the dirichlet problem
 4 subsequent work on the monge-ampere equation
 5 affine spheres
 6 hyperbolic affine spheres and real monge-ampere equations
 7 affine manifolds
 8 maximal hypersurfaces in minkowski space
 9 the minkowski problem
 10 convex geometry without smoothness assumptions
 10.1 support function
 10.2 invariance properties of the support function
 10.3 minkowski sum
 10.4 mixed volume
 10.5 surface area measure
 10.6 invariance properties of the surface area measure
 10.7 the minkowski problem
 10.8 the brunn-minkowski inequality
 10.9 uniqueness in the minkowski problem
 10.10 variational approach to the minkowski problem
 11 convex geometry with smoothness assumptions
 11.1 the inverse gauss map
 11.2 the inverse second fundamental form
 11.3 the curvature function
 11.4 the surface area measure
 11.5 the minkowski problem
 11.6 the minkowski problem as a pde
 12 cheng and yau's regularity theorem for the minkowski problem.
 12.1 statement
 12.2 sketch of proof
 13 generalizations of the minkowski problem
 yau's work on minimal surfaces and 3-manifolds
 feng luo
 the work of schoen and yau on manifolds with positive scalar curvature
 william, minicozzi ii
 0 introduction
 1 topological restrictions on manifolds with positive scalar curvature
 1.1 stable minimal surfaces and scalar curvature
 1.2 inductively extending this to higher dimensions
 1.3 preserving positive scalar curvature under surgery
 2 locally conformally flat manifolds
 2.1 the new invariants
 2.2 a positive mass theorem
 yau's contributions to algebraic geometry ndrey todorov
 1 introduction
 1.1 yau's program-plenary talk at icm 1982
 2 monge-ampere equation and applications to algebraic geometry
 2.1 solution of the calabi conjecture
 2.2 existence of canonical metrics on zariski open sets
 3 stable vector bundles over kahler manifolds
 3.1 donaldson-uhlenbeek-yau theorem
 3.2 applications to kodaira's classification of surfaces
 4 moduli spaces
 4.1 existence of kiihler-einstein metrics on domain of holomorphy and teichmfiller spaces
 4.2 moduli spaces of k3 surfaces
 4.3 moduli spaces of cy manifolds
 4.4 generalization of shwarz lemma by yau and baily-borel compactification
 5 contributions of yau to string theory
 5.1 mirror symmetry and syz conjecture
 5.2 large radius limit
 5.3 string theory and number theory
 5.4 rational curves on algebraic k3 surfaces
 6 rigidity
 6.1 yau's conjecture about rigidity of some complex manifolds
 6.2 geometric proof of margulis' superrigidity
 6.3 geometric proof of kazhdan theorem about galois
 conjugation of shimura varieties
 yau's work on positive mass theorems
 mu-tao wang
 yan's conjecture on kaihler-einstein metric and stability
 xiaowei wang
 on yau's pioneer contribution on the frankel conjecture and
 related questions
 fangyang zheng
 yau's work on inequalities between chern numbers and
 uniformization of complex manifolds
 kang zuo
 part 2 differential geometry and differential equations
 geometry of complete gradient shrinking ricci solitons
 huai-dong cao
 1 gradient shrinking ricci solitons
 2 classification of 3-dimensional gradient shrinking solitons
 3 geometry of complete gradient solitons
 the formation of black holes in general relativity
 demetrios christodoulou
 pagerank as a discrete green's function
 fan chung
 1 introduction
 2 preliminaries
 3 dirichlet eigenvalues
 4 connections between pagerank and discrete green's function
 5 relating the cheeger constant to the pagerank
 6 relating the pagerank of a graph to that of its subgraphs
 7 the pagerank and the hitting time
 a geodesic equation in the space of sasakian metrics
 pengfei guan and xi zhang
 some inverse spectral results for the two-dimensional schrodinger operator
 v. cuillemin and a. uribe
 1 introduction
 2 the weyl calculus
 3 some bracket identities
 4 the quantum birkhoff canonical form
 li-yau estimates and their harnack inequalities
 richard s. hamilton
 1 the heat equation
 2 the dirichlet problem for the heat equation
 3 the heat equation in the plane
 4 the castaway
 5 endangered species equation
 6 the migration equation
 7 motion of a curve by its curvature
 8 motion of a surface by its mean curvature
 9 motion of a surface by its gauss curvature
 plurisubharmonicity in a general geometric context
 f. reese harvey and h. blaine lawson, jr
 1 introduction
 2 geometrically defined plurisubharmonic functions
 3 more general plurisubharmonic functions defined by an elliptic cone p+
 4 p+-plurisubharmonic distributions
 5 upper-semi-continuous p+-plurisubharmonic functions
 6 some classical facts that extend to p+-plurisubharmonie functions
 7 the dirichlet problem uniqueness
 8 the dirichlet problem existence
 9 p+-convex domains
 10 topological restrictions on p+-convex domains
 11 p+-free submanifolds
 12 p+-convex boundaries
 poisson modules and generalized geometry
 nigel hitchin
 1 introduction
 2 poisson modules
 2.1 definitions
 2.2 a construction
 3 the serre construction
 3.1 the algebraic approach
 3.2 the analytical approach
 3.3 the second section
 4 generalized geometry
 4.1 basic features
 4.2 generalized dolbeault operators
 4.3 the canonical bundle
 5 a generalized construction
 5.1 the problem
 5.2 generalized complex submanifolds
 5.3 the construction
 6 an application
 uniqueness of solutions to mean field equations of liouville type in two-dimension
 chang-shou lin
 1 introduction
 2 uniqueness in r2
 3 uniqueness in bounded domains of r2
 4 onofri inequality and its generalization
 5 mean field equation and green functions on torus
 6 generalized liouville system
 monotonicity and holomorphic functions
 lei ni
 decay of solutions to the cauchy problem in the kerr geometry for various physical systems: stability of black holes
 j. a. smoller
 1 introduction
 2 main
 the calabi-yau equation, symplectic forms and almost complex structures
 valentino tosatti and ben weinkove
 1 background- yau's theorem
 2 donaldson's conjecture and applications
 3 estimates for the catabi-yau equation
 4 methods
 5 a monotonicity formula
 understanding weil-petersson curvature
 scott a. wolpert
 1 introduction
 2 basics of teichmiiller theory
 3 wp intrinsic geometry
 4 methods
 5 applications of curvature
 5.1 the work of liu, sun and yau
 5.2 the model metric 4dr2 + rs do2
 5.3 projection and distance to a stratum
 examples of positively curved complete kahler manifolds
 hung-hsi wu and fangyang zheng
 1 introduction
 2 the abcd functions
 3 characterization by the function
 4 some examples
 5 characterization by surface of revolution
 6 correlation between volume growth and curvature decay


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