伟大的人类 The Great Human Beings
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
蒋松柏,蒋文君 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787119076492
- 出版日期:2012-1-1
This book tells us that creation of life and human beings is not
inevitable in the universe. Instead, it is the result of accidental
combination of many universal factors to creation of life. It is a
unique accident in the universe. The development from lifeless
universal element to very complicated life and finally to human
beings capable of understanding the world needs very demanding
condition for celestial bodies in the universe. Not all celestial
bodies can give birth to life and human beings. Even for the earth
with so advantageous condition to creation of life and human
beings, it took 4 billion years to develop from organic matter to
human beings. How long the process is!
本书是由蒋松柏、蒋文君编写的《伟大的人类》(英文版)。《伟大的人类》(英文版)的内容提要如下: This book is a
popular science reading to introduce the origin and development of
human beings. It starts with introducing the univeal condition for
the nature to create life and discusses the process of creation of
life and human beings on the earth. It explai for the fit time the
nature of organisms' see ability, role of life's initiative in
organisms' evolution, animals, human beings and the origin of their
intelligence. It also points out that life creation on the earth is
not an inevitable phenomenon in the univee. Itead, it is a very
special accident in the univee. Human intelligence can tracend the
nature. Along with the development of human intelligence,human
beings will surely become the "Saints" in the vast univee. This
book is lofty in its goal, magnificent in its design and broad in
its knowledge. It is also concise and easy to undetand in writing.
It is an enlightenment reading by which reaae can enhance their
本书是由蒋松柏、蒋文君编写的《伟大的人类》(英文版),其内容提要如下: This book tells us that creation of life and human beings is not inevitable in the universe. Instead, it is the result of accidental combination of many universal factors to creation of life. It is a unique accident in the universe. The development from lifeless universal element to very complicated life and finally to human beings capable of understanding the world needs very demanding condition for celestial bodies in the universe. Not all celestial bodies can give birth to life and human beings. Even for the earth with so advantageous condition to creation of life and human beings, it took 4 billion years to develop from organic matter to human beings. How long the process is!
本书是由蒋松柏、蒋文君编写的《伟大的人类》(英文版)。《伟大的人类》(英文版)的内容提要如下: This book is a popular science reading to introduce the origin and development of human beings. It starts with introducing the univeal condition for the nature to create life and discusses the process of creation of life and human beings on the earth. It explai for the fit time the nature of organisms' see ability, role of life's initiative in organisms' evolution, animals, human beings and the origin of their intelligence. It also points out that life creation on the earth is not an inevitable phenomenon in the univee. Itead, it is a very special accident in the univee. Human intelligence can tracend the nature. Along with the development of human intelligence,human beings will surely become the "Saints" in the vast univee. This book is lofty in its goal, magnificent in its design and broad in its knowledge. It is also concise and easy to undetand in writing. It is an enlightenment reading by which reaae can enhance their undetanding.
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