中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录 Migrant Workers Tell Their Stories
- 所属分类:
- 作者:
吕国光 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787119071442
- 出版日期:2012-5-1
本书是由吕国光编写的《中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录》(英文版),其内容提要如下: Many people look down on
our misrant workers. But society is a big family. If I do not adapt
myself to it, I will never be accepted. I think the best thing I
can do is to keep away from bad things. I have been away from home
for several years,but I have never been homesick. It is strange.
Perhaps it is because I know I still have a Ion8 road to travel
before going home.
。《中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录》(英文版)的内容提要如下: This remarkable book reveals the
human cost of China's staggering growth, not in statistics but in
the p[ain, unvarnished stories of China's migrant worke, who, for
more than two decades, have journeyed from the provinces, flooding
into China's urban cente, fueling the fires that drive its engines
of urban growth and economic expaion. From factory worke to neon
sign make to starry-eyed entrepreneu, here are the hopes, dreams,
triumphs, and heartbreaking tragedies of several generatio of
migrant worke. A must-read for those interested in contemporary
China studies, orat histories, labor history, and emerging global
本书是由吕国光编写的《中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录》(英文版),其内容提要如下: Many people look down on our misrant workers. But society is a big family. If I do not adapt myself to it, I will never be accepted. I think the best thing I can do is to keep away from bad things. I have been away from home for several years,but I have never been homesick. It is strange. Perhaps it is because I know I still have a Ion8 road to travel before going home.
本书是由吕国光编写的《中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录》(英文版) 。《中国农民大迁徙:农民工口述实录》(英文版)的内容提要如下: This remarkable book reveals the human cost of China's staggering growth, not in statistics but in the p[ain, unvarnished stories of China's migrant worke, who, for more than two decades, have journeyed from the provinces, flooding into China's urban cente, fueling the fires that drive its engines of urban growth and economic expaion. From factory worke to neon sign make to starry-eyed entrepreneu, here are the hopes, dreams, triumphs, and heartbreaking tragedies of several generatio of migrant worke. A must-read for those interested in contemporary China studies, orat histories, labor history, and emerging global economies.
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