- 所属分类:
- 作者:
王尚阁 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300141602
- 出版日期:2011-9-1
resding skill:finding out the main ldea
unit 1 education—studyabroad
section a consider studying abroad
section b
section c study abroad--myths & misconceptions
unit 2 career
section a how to beat the competition and get that job!
section b
section c how to create a vision for your career
unit 3 international financial organizations
section a the imf at a glance
section b
section c the bank for international settlements (bis)
resding skill:reading between the lines (drawing lnferenees)
unit 4 culture shaping the west
section a the holy bible
section b
section c impact of greek mythology on western culture
unit 5 body language
section a using body language
section b
section c while you're talking, what is your body saying?
unit 6 military
section a russian spy scandal: stranger than fiction
section b
section c top 10 famous spies
resding skill: distinguishing faets from opinions.
unit 7 news
section a scientists try to calm "2012" hysteria
section b
section c top 10 most terrifying natural disasters in
unit 8 the u.s. constitution
section a the road to the u.s. constitution
section b
section c individual rights and liberties
unit 9 a healthy lifestyle
section a can exercise keep you young?
section b
section c china's health care system
resding skill:long and eompliested sentenees
unit 10 political system
section a three pillars of government
section b
section c pluralism and democracy
unit 11 energy
section a fat's chance as a renewable diesel fuel
section b
section c world energy needs and nuclear power
unit 12 people around us
section a turning the page
section b
section c my unexpected teacher
unit 13 environment
section a what is global warming?
section b
section c new gulf oil seeps tied to another well
resding skill:understanding figurative language
unit 14 safe traveling
section a travclwise: how to eat healthy on the road
section b
section c accidents & hazards
unit 15 powerful voice
section a inaugural address
section b
section c obama should continue tucson speech themes in state of
the union.
unit16 prose
section a the good life
section b what i lived for
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