- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(美)彼得,(美)唐纳利 著;袁奇 改编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300110585
- 出版日期:2009-8-1
本书改编自美国J.Paul Peter和James H.Donnelly,Jr.合著的畅销世界的市场营销学教材——Preface to Marketing Management(第11版)。此书的特点是,在简单明了、由浅入深地介绍市场营销知识的同时,还可以使读者增加营销专业的英语词汇量,提高读者的英语阅读水平和交际能力。
Chapter 1 Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process
The Marketing Concept
What Is Marketing?
What Is Strategic Planning?
Strategic Planning and Marketing Management
The Strategic Planning Process
The Complete Strategic Plan
The Marketing Management Process
Situation Analysis
Marketing Planning
Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan
Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research
The Strategic Plan, the Marketing Plan, and Other
Functional Area Plans
Marketing's Role in Cross-Functional Strategic Planning
Chapter 2 Marketing Research: Process and Systems for Decision Making
The Role of Marketing Research
The Marketing Research Process
Purpose of the Research
Plan of the Research
Performance of the Research
Processing of Research Data
Preparation of the Research Report
Limitations of the Research Process
Marketing Information Systems
Chapter 3 Consumer Behavior
Social Influences on Consumer Decisi6n Making
Culture and Subculture
Social Class
Reference Groups and Families
Marketing Influences on Consumer Decision Making
Product Influences
Price lnfluences
Promotion lnfluences
Place Influences
Situational Influences on Consumer Decision Making
Psychological Influences on Consumer Decision Making
Product Knowledge
Product lnvolvement
Consumer Decision Making
Need Recognition
Alternative Search
Alternative Evaluation
Purchase Decision
Postpurchase Evaluation
Chapter 4 Business,Government adn Institutional Buying
Chapter 5 Market Segmentation
Chapter 6 Product and Brand Strategy
Chapter 7 New Product Planning and Development
Chapter 8 Integrated Marketing Communications:Advertising,Sales Promotion,Public Relations and Direct Marketing
Chapter 9 Personal Selling,Relationship Building,and Sales Management
Chapter 10 Distribution Strategy
Chapter 11 Pricing Strategy
Chapter 12 The Marketing of Services
Chapter 13 Global Marketing
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