
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    黄英 主编
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787303134366
  • 出版日期:2011-10-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:







Unit 1  What's Your Name?
      Section A  Alphabet 字母表
      Section B  Dialogues
      Section C  Group work: name game
      Section D  Language knowledge
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 2  Name Card
      Section A  What's your number?
      Section B  Name card
      Section C  Writing
      Section D  Language knowledge
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 3  What's Your Major?
      Section A  What time is it?
      Section B  What subjects do you have today?
      Section C  What's your major?
      Section D  Language knowledge
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 4  Shopping
      Section A  Dialogues
      Section B  Group work: organize a used things sale
      Section C  Reading
      Section D  Language knowledge
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 5  The Weather at a Job Site
      Section A  What's the weather like today?
      Section B  Talk about the weather of your hometown
      Section C  Dialogue
      Section D  Reading
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 6  Making a Telephone
      Section A  This is Ben
      Section B  Reading
      Section C  Writing: message
      Section D  Language knowledge
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 7  Asking the Way
      Section A  Give directions
      Section B  Asking the way
      Section C  Group work
      Section D  Writing
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
 Unit 8  Make an Appointment
      Section A  Can I see your manager?
      SectionB  Let me check...
      Section C  Expressions for making an appointment
      Section D  Reading
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
 Unit 9  Resume
      SectionA  I can...
      Section B  A mock interview
      Section C  Application for employment
      Section D  Writing
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
  Unit 10  Interview
      Section A  Get a part-time job
      Section B  What skills have you got?
      Section C  Role-play
      Section D  Reading
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 11  At a Worksite
      Section A  What is your nationality?
      Section B  Dialogues
      Section C  Role-play
      Section D  Patterns for constructions
      Section E  Writing
      Section F  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 12  Engineering Drawing
      Section A  How do you draw?
      Section B  You've got the wrong drawing
      Section C  Reading
      Section D  Read the drawing
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 13  Construction Enterprise
      Section A  Who is your manager?
      Section B  What about the composed structure?
      Section C  Dialogue
      Section D  Spoken English
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
 Unit 14  Building
      Section A  Build your dreams
      Section B  Talk about buildings
      Section C  How to cure the concrete perfectly?
      Section D  Reading
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 15  Invitation
      Section A  What's the date today?
      Section B  Dialogues
      Section C  Letters of invitations and replies
      Section D  Writing
      Section E  Language knowledge
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
 Unit 16  Buying a Flat
      Section A  I'd like a flat with three bedrooms
      Section B  Visiting a show flat
      Section C  Dialogue
      Section D  Reading
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
 Unit 17  Inquiry of the Building Materials
      Section A  Inquire the price of some building materials
      Section B  Pair work: How much is cement?
      Section C  Reading
      Section D  Writing
      Section E  Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
Unit 18  Tender Invitation
      Section A New words
      Section B Tender invitation
      Section C Dialogue
      Section D Language knowledge
      Section E Merry learning
      Think and Act
      Words and Phrases
      Reading 1  招聘预算工程师
      Words and Phrases
      Reading 2  建筑合同
      Words and Phrases
      Reading 3
      Words and Phrases
      Reading 4 Health and safety in the construction industry
      Words and Phrases
      附录一  部分参考译文及答案
      附录二  英语语音知识
      附录三  Some Expressions for Building


书名 作者 出版社 价格 购买
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