- 所属分类:
- 作者:
白松 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560530369
- 出版日期:2009-3-1
“新世纪专业英语系列教材”自2003年出版以来在全国高校使用了6年,受到国内专家学者及广大教师和学生的好评,其中《工商管理英语教材》被列入教育部“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”。 为更好地推进专业英语教学,强化使用效果,编者们遵循教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称《课程要求》),结合实际使用中的反馈意见,经过近2年认真仔细地调整与策划。对第1版进行了修订与补充,并在原有基础上增补了5个品种,推出“新世纪专业英语系列教材”(第2版)(总计12种)。 本书为其中的《新闻英语教程》分册。
Part Ⅰ Selections from Classics of Western Journalism
Unit 1 The Definition and Trends
Text A Journalism: A Definition
Text B Twentieth--Century News Trends
Unit 2 Truth of Iournalism
Text A Separating "Facts" from "Value"
Text B News, Truth, and a Conclusion
Unit 3 Freedom of Journalism
Text A Key Concepts of First Amendment
Text B A Free Press and a Free Society
Unit 4 Roles of Iournalists
Text A The Role of the Journalist
Text B Journalists--Professionals in a Market Culture
Unit 5 Journalism Education
Text A The Effects of Journalism Education
Text B Limitations of Professionalization
Unit 6 Policies for Public Broadcasters
Text A Options for Public Broadcasters
Text B Thatcher Multiple--Track Media Policies (1979-90)
Unit 7 Dilemmas of Journalism
Text A Some Background about "the Problem"
Text B Dilemmas of Global TV News
Unit 8 Challenges and Opport Unities
Text A New Media May Be Old Media's Savior
Text B The Challenges of the Informational ARe
Part Ⅱ Selections from Western Newspapers
Unit 9 The New Millennium
Text A Defining Century in America
Text B Here's to the New Millennium
Unit 10 Eyes on China
Text A Between Wary Presidents, Signs of Bonding
Text B The Two Faces of China
Unit 11 American Presidential Election
Text A Bush Is Declared Winner in Florida But Gore Vows to Contest Results
Text B Obama Gets Europe's Ear, Pleasing Crowds without Specifics
Unit 12 World War II
Text A The Bombing of 43,000 Civilians and Its Reasons
Text B The FirstWeeks of War and the Situation in Cologne
Unit 13 Iraq War
Text A The Truth About the War
Text B ExLeader, Found Hiding in Hole, Is Detained Without a Fight
Unit 14 Anti-Terrorism
Text A In Shock, Loathing, Denial: "This Doesn't Happen Here"
Text B Awaiting the Aftershocks: Washington and Nation Plungeinto Fight with Enemy Hard to Identify and Punish
Unit 15 Environmen
Text A Human Intervention Breaks Ancient Rhythm
Text B Fight Climate Change by Turning Roof Green
Unit 16 Oil and Food Crises
Text A Secret Winners in the Oil Crisis
Text B Food Crisis--But It's No Surprise
Appendix Ⅰ Reference Translation of the Main Texts
Appendix Ⅱ Key to the Exercises
Appendix Ⅲ Tapescripts
Appendix Ⅳ Glossary
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