
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    沈海燕 编著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787565903922
  • 出版日期:2012-8-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:






Clinical Dialogues between Docto and Patients
  Surgical Problems
    Dialogue A  Scalp Hematoma
    Dialogue B  Colostomy
    Dialogue C  Hip Fracture
    Dialogue D  Kidney Traplantation
  Internal Medical Problems
    Dialogue A  Influenza
    Dialogue B  Viral Myocarditis
    Dialogue C  Acute Gastritis
    Dialogue D  UTI
  Gynaecology and Obstetrics Problems
    Dialogue A  Vaginitis
    Dialogue B  Uterine Fibroid
    Dialogue C  Contraceptive Coultation
    Dialogue D  Childbirth Itruction
  Pediatric Problems
    Dialogue A  URIand Bronchitis
    Dialogue B  Infant Seizures
    Dialogue C  Thrush
    Dialogue D  Infant Eczema
  Psychological Problems
    Dialogue A  Neurasthenia Disorder
    Dialogue B  Social Phobia
Typical Questio over International Nuing Interview: 40 Questio over
General Nuing
  1. What's your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Do you have any hobbies?
  4. How many yea' education did you have before you started
learning nuing?
  5. Where did you receive your nuing education?
  6. How long have you been working as a nue?
  7. Can you tell me something about your working background?
  8. How do you like your job? Why?
  9. What do you think the relatiohip between nuing and medicine?
  10. Can you tell me something about your hospital?
  11. What were the subjects you learned at the nuing school?
  12. Which department are you in currently?
  13. Have you ever worked in other departments?
  14. What nuing skills are you specially good at?
  15. What kind of patients have you ever taking care of?
  16. On a regular basis, how many patients do you need to look
  17. How many hou work is legally requested for you to carry out
in a week?
  18. What's your routine work when you are on duty?
  19. How many docto and nues are there in your hospital?
  20. How many beds are there available in your hospital?
  21. Is there any prominent feature in your hospital?
  22. Are you good at operating modem equipments to provide care
for the patients? Try to set up examples.  
  23. What's the most importance in nuing practice?
  24. What are the most common patients you've cared in your work
at the hospital?
  25. What nuing techniques have you learned?
  26. What are the obligatio the emergency nues should take?
  27. How do you assist the docto in performing fit-aid?
  28. What is the normal limit of blood pressure for adults?
  29. What are the normal pulse rate ranges for different age
  30. What should you react if your patient's condition has
suddenly getting woe?
  31. How do you take the infant's temperature?
  32. How do you administer IV meds?
  33. What should you do before giving oral medication to the
  34. Do you know about "Seven verificatio" and "Three check-ups"?
  35. When administering medication, apart from giving orally,
intravenously, intradermally, intramuscularly, are there any other
  36. How do you iert an NGT tube if the patient needs a feeding
through it?
  37. How do you iert an urine catheter for a male patient?
  38. What does a nue should do before traiferring a patient to
another ward?
  39. What is the general anaesthesia?
  40. What does the nue should do immediately after a major
Typical Questio over International Nuing Interview: 70 Questio over
Specialized Nuing
  Questio over Cardiovascular and Respiratory Problems
    1. What is MI and its symptoms?
    2. How does the nue differentiate a patient who has a MI or an
    3. What is CHF and how do we assess the disease?
    4. State the definition of coronary artery disease and what
nuing interventio should be done for this kind of patient?
    5. How do you assess a patient with cardiogenic shock as a nue?
    6. What are risk facto for respiratory disorde?
    7. How do you do chest physiotherapy (CPT) for a patient with a
breathing problem?
    8. What's asthma? What are the facto triggering asthma?
    9. Do you know about COPD? How do you do for this kind of
patients' education?
    10. How do you take care of a patient with pneumonia?
  Questio over Endocrine and Gastrointestinal Problems
    11. How do you assess a patient with hyperthyroidism?
    12. How do you take care of a patient with thyroid storm?
    13. What's diabetes and its common symptoms?
    14. How do you teach the patient to follow a diabetes diet?
    15. How do we treat a patient with severe hypoglycemia?
    16. How do we make a difference between gastric and duodenal
ulce when we assess the patient?
    17. How do you educate a patient having a gastric resection to
prevent dumping syndrome?
    18. How do you know a patient with appendicitis?
    19. What kind of people are at higher risks of hepatitis B? How
does hepatitis B tramit?
    20. How do we teach the patient to prevent hepatitis B?
  Questio over Oncology and Neurological Problems
    21. What is chemotherapy and its common side-effect?
    22. How do you guide a patient self-care if he has been
undergoing a radiation?
    23. What is skin cancer? How do we teach the patient to prevent
skin cancer?
    24. What are risk facto of breast cancer? How do we know a
patient with breast cancer? ...
    25. What about pancreatic cancer? Why the mortality rate of
this kind of cancer is so high?
    26. How do you deal with a patient if he is having seizures?
    27. What's stroke? Are there any risk facto involved with this
    28. How do you communicate with a patient suffering from
    29. What are the typical symptoms of Parkion's disease?
    30. How do you take care of a meningitis patient?
  Questio over Surgical Problems
    31. What is the fracture? How do we assess a limb fracture?
    32. What should the nue do to take care of the patient putting
in a cast?
    33. How do we provide post-operative care for a hip fracture
    34. How does pulmonary embolism occur? How do we know that?
    35. How do we itruct the patient regarding post-operative
lumber disk position?
    36. How do the nue take care of the patient with rheumatoid
arthritis to preserve the patient's mobility?
    37. What are the risk facto of osteoporosis?
    38. How do you prepare a patient for a cardiac catheterization?
    39. Following cardiac surgery, what should the nue itruct the
patient prior to back home?
    40. How to observe a patient with head injury?
    41. How do we give a patient colostomy irrigation?
    42. After chest injury, the patient is assessed to have
pneumothorax. How do we take care of him?
    43. How do we take care of a T tube?
    44. What does a nue need to teach a patient following a
    45. What's hemodialysis and its function? Is there any
complication for hemodialysis?
  Questio over Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatric Problems
    46. What are risk facto for a woman to catch STD?
    47. How to prevent cervical cancer?
    48. What is surgical abortion? What are the risk facto involved
in surgical abortion?
    49. How do you classify pregnancy induced hyperteion?
    50. How do we divide the stages of labor?
    51. What's the cesarean section? How do we prepare a woman a
    52. How do you assess fetal distress? What nuing interventio
should be done if it happe?
    53. How do you do the patient regarding postpartum care?
    54. Infants often get otitis media? Why? How do we know an
infant is having otitis media?  ...
    55. How do we take care of a child with pneumonia?
    56. Do you know SIDS? How to prevent the disease?
    57. How do you take care of a child with eczema?
    58. If a child is injured, what's the initial care for a
    59. How do we take care of a child with iron deficiency anemia?
    60. How do you guide a child for administering of vaccines?
  Questio over Psychological Problems
    61. What's panic disorder? How do we deal with a patient with
severe panic disorder?
    62. How do you help a patient with post-traumatic stress
    63. How do you assess a patient with depression?
    64. What's schizophrenia? What are emotional characteristics of
this kind of patient?
    65. What's hallucination? How do you help the patient with
    66. How do you know about dementia and Alzheimer's disease?
    67. How do you communicate with the patient having Alzheimer's
    68. What's anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?
    69. What is nue's role when the patient experiences grief and
    70. What is suicidal behavior? How do you take care of a
suicidal attempt?
Typical Scenarios and Test Models over Occupational English
Test--Spoken Section
  Scenario 1  Hospital Discharge
  Scenario 2  Organ Donation
  Scenario 3  ER Observation
  Scenario 4  Women's Postpartum Depression
  Scenario 5  Children Vaccination
  OET Spoken Test Formation
Basic Listening: 20 Extracts from VOA Special English Health
  Listen 1  An Outbreak of Cholera in Haiti
  Listen 2  Finding New Ways to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
  Listen 3  Finding a Cure for COPD
  Listen 4  Hospital Infectio in US Continue to Rise
  Listen 5  Advice for Staying Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather
  Listen 6  A Possible Cause of ADHD
  Listen 7  World Suicide Prevention Day Seeks to Raise Awareness
  Listen 8  Eating White Rice Increases Risk of Diabetes
  Listen 9  The Reuse of Pacemaker
  Listen 10  Study Finds No Reason to Delay Pregnancy After a
  Listen 11  The Importance of Communication in Hospital
  Listen 12  People with Chronic Hepatitis B Often Do Not Know It
  Listen 13  Undetanding Down Syndrome
  Listen 14  Study Finds Treatment Cured Sickle Cell in Adults
  Listen 15  Hands-Only CPR Is a Simpler Way to Save Lives
  Listen 16  Smoking and the Risk to Women's Lungs
  Listen 17  New Study Disputes "Depression Gene" Finding
  Listen 18  Battling a Stroke, and the Clock
  Listen 19  Migraine Attack
  Listen 20  The Dark Side of Skin Lightening
Intermediate Listening: 10 Extracts from VOA Standard English
Health Reports
  Listen 1  New Research May Help Determine Where New Outbreaks of
Cholera May Occur -..
  Listen 2  Frequent Aerobic Exercise Get Fewer Colds
  Listen 3  Childhood Sex Abuse Victims to March on Vatican
  Listen 4  Saving the Seas to Eure Food Security
  Listen 5  Daycare Infectio May Help Kids Avoid Later Sickness
  Listen 6  Flu Vaccine Found Safe, Effective for Very Young
  Listen 7  Africa Is Playing a Major Role in AIDS Vaccine Research
  Listen 8  Cancer Drugs Force HIV to Mutate to Death
  Listen 9  American Teenage Dangerously Sleep Deprived
  Listen 10  British Scientists Develop One-Hour TB Test


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