- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(德)布斯曼(Bussmann,H.) 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560019529
- 出版日期:2000-8-1
Edited by Gregory P. Trauth. PhD.University of California. Berkeley. and Kerstin Kazzazi. University of Munich, from a translation of the Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft by Hadumod Bussmann. The Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics is an invaluable reference work for students, instructors and scholars of linguistics. The highly regarded second second edition of the Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft by Dr Hadumod Bussmann of the University of Munich has been specifically adapted by a team of specialists in various linguistic fields to form the most comprehensive and up-to=date work of its kind in the English language. In over 2,000 entries, the Dictionary provides a comprehensive survey of the subdisciplines of linguistics and covers many of the world's languages. It is alphabetically organized, with each entry providing clear and concise definitions of key linguistic terminology, concepts and themes. Salient examples are given in English and a range of foreign languages, Entries also include bibliographical references. For ease of use. the Dictionary contains extensive cross-references to synonyms and related terms, and accompanying illustrations. With is focus on basic linguistic terms and its succinct presentation of fundamental linguistic issues and principles, the Dictionary complements perfectly Routledge's established range of reference material in the field of linguistics.
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