- 所属分类:
- 作者:
王勇 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787118074147
- 出版日期:2011-5-1
about one's ears
about right
about sb 's person
about time
above all
above all things
above board
above one's breath
above oneself
above price
above reproach
above sb 's bend
above sb 's head
above suspicion
above (the) average
across the board
across the sea
across the way
after a fashion
after a httle
after a manner
after a sort
after a while
after all
after dark
after hours
after one's own heart
against a rainy day
against all odds
against expectation
against nature
against one's will
against the clock
against the collar
against the current
against the grain
against the world
against time
among others
among the number
among the rest
around the bend
around/round the clock
aroand/round the comer
at (one's) ease
as a consequence
as a general rule
as a joke
as a matter of fact
as a result
as a whole
as concerns
as follows
as for
as regards
as to
as usual
as well
as yet
at a breath
at a crisis
at a dash
at a deadlock
at a disadvantage
at a discount
at a distance
at a full jump
at a glance
at a good pace
at a guess
at a loss
at a pinch
at a premium
at a profit
at a snail's pace
at a/the speed of
at a stretch
at a time
at a word
at all
at all costs
at all events
at all risks
at all times
at an early date
at any cost/price
at any minute/moment
at any rate
at any time
at bottom
at ease
at every turn
at fault
at first glance
at first hand
at first sight
at fall Mast
at full speed
at hand
at heart
at home
at intervals
at large
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新编英语短语动词用法词典 | 王勇 主编 | 国防工业出版社 | ¥39.00¥27.70 |
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