
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    卢思源 编著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787309089790
  • 出版日期:2012-8-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:







1. he is a bicycle doctor.
2. he is a good sailor.
3. he is the chinese ambassador.
4. you cannot be too careful.
5. we should adopt an effective economy measure.
6. do you know how to service this new?type machine?
7. this bottle is quite full.
8. what a shame!
9. you look pale. don?t tell me you?re sick again.
10. the little girl is dear to me.
11. he has a weakness for fish.
12. i will avenge him.
13. they are the students of hong kong baptist college.
14. tyson is in jail.
15. there are many fruits in the dish.
16. you are being insulting her!
17. we are seeing mr.li tomorrow.
18. i don?t like to go to repulse bay.
19. i forgot posting the letter.

.20. give me a pail of purifying water, please.
21. she is a dancing?teacher.
22. the footballers of british forces are disappointing.
23. we sat reading all the evening.
24. your little daughter was stood in the doorway.
25. the door is photocell controlled by operating a keyboard.
26. the bus is stopped.
27. shall i buy a copy of south china morning post for you?
28. why should you do it?
29. it is strange that you should agree with them.
30. he who should do this would be sacked.
31. i like the jockey for all his faults.
32. you can?t go for two or three days.
33. his native town is in the west of china.
34. they will get married in a month.
35. the road leading to yau ma tei is in repair.
36. have you ever read “reminiscences of marx” by lafargue?
37. this is a picture of shirley's.
38. xiao li is a boy of a girl.
39. this is a colony of termites.
40. they look in at the door.
41. odyssey is a hard work to understand but at that i enjoy it.
42. he has been wired to from home.
43. to some westerners, it is quite clear that the economic situation of the united states in 1992
is under greater and greater challenge.
44. we have been to every other city besides tokyo.
45. we propose to start from tsuen wan at seven o'clock.
46. “when do you expect them?” “i expect them this afternoon.”
47. you are supposed to know the law of the government.
48. mr. lin explained to me that he could not attend the meeting.
49. symptoms of consumption developed.
50. what are the oysters today?
51. with a leaden heart we bade farewell to the dead.
52. during her absence in new york, i paid a visit to her.
53. he lives in the country.
54. the clock runs slow.
55. tighten the nut the right way, please!
56. they gave us the tickets freely.
57. let?s meet sometime next week.
58. for the people of iraq the next year will be difficult.
59. they do not advocate pragmatism.
60. the little girl has become very sophisticated since she went to live in new york some ten years ago.
61. three months have elapsed since our departure.
62. this pair of shoes will soon wear.
63. the court interpreter resigned for the apparent reason that his health was failing.
64. happily they did not die.
65. please give me an extra thick book.
66. the distance between your college and our institute is one kilometer, or 1,093.6 yd.
67. both brothers are not here.
68. i do not know all of them.
69. i have no more than five dollars in my pocket.
70. to my surprise, he said that repulse bay is no more beautiful than deep water bay.
71. anita is no less an actress than a singer.
72. they did not come to queen mary hospital because they wanted to see me.
73. mr. smith did not explain it correctly and clearly.
74. he reminded me that i had better not go to po toi island today. i shook my head.
75. both (the) men are writing an article.
76. they must follow all union resolutions.
77. no one man can fulfil the task.
78. i don't know whether they are not here.
79. i couldn?t have got to slough in time unless i?d had a helicopter.
80. he is no fool.
81. there is no rule but has exceptions.
82. all these symptoms left no doubt that the patient had died of sars.
83. mr. wu is nothing if not a gentleman!
84. nothing is more precious than time yet nothing is less valued!
85. “wealth is nothing, position is nothing, fame is nothing, to serve the patients heart and soul is everything,” a doctor said.
86. it is not half snowy today.
87. he is anything but a philanthropist!
88. grandpa is as fine as a fiddle — not but that he will catch cold at times.
89. it is a good machine that can work without power.
90. he ate his words.
91. allow me to venture a remark, such as it is.
92. you must begin with this work.
93. they have gone to macau.
94. i shall take a photo.
95. i didn?t know mr. wang from mr. li.
96. between you and me, it is nothing serious.
97. sing tao footballers are sure of winning.
98. failing that, they prefer recognition but no trade relations.
99. this room is nice and cool.
100. i?m fully occupied today. if you won?t come tonight,well and good.
101. mary is, if anything, a little taller than i.
102. the first clerk of the magistracy must be law?abiding and honesty itself.
103. the sales of domestic industrial products have multiplied five times since 1960.
104. john has as many english books again as mary.
105. we have not heard from steven as well as from andy.
106. that soldier would as soon kill himself as yield to the enemy.
107. john, read the tenth and last paragraph of the text,please.
108. did you see my watch and chain this morning?
109. he used to beat the boy black and blue.
110. you can find doctors and doctors in hong kong!
111. at the meeting they offered twenty and twenty suggestions.
112. in your heart of hearts, do you think that neville is alive?
113. they all came to see me that day of all days!
114. stick the stamp on yourself, please.
115. the waitress served me a coke of a kind.
116. i gave him ten dollars in notes.
117. please put your john hancock on this agreement.
118. he caught me by the hand.
119. i have stayed at home since i was ill.
120. he is an english student.
121. is he in the dormitory?, or in the dining?room??
122. lao wang, the postman, is at the door now.
123. he has a son, who is a doctor of maclehose dental centre.
124. i, also, phoned mr. lin today.
125. would you like john or mary to go with you to repulse bay?
126. can he change his nature?
127. she is betty, or is she?
128. the repairman took four hours to mend my computer!
129. rightly, the meeting ended early today.
130. work and play are both necessary to our health;this gives us rest, and that gives us energy.
131. what the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.
132. what is learned in the cradle lasts to the grave.


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