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- ISBN£º9787511410481
- ³ö°æÈÕÆÚ£º2011-8-1
µÚÒ»²¿·Ö ÀøÖ¾ÈËÉú 1. YouthÇà´º 2. The Road to Success³É¹¦Ö®Â· 3. Life in DeathÉúËÀÏû³¤ 4. I'm not DeceitfulÎÒûÓÐÆÛÆ 5. Wisdom'S LifeÖÇ»ÛÈËÉú 6. The Strenuous LifeÇڷܵÄÉú»î µÚ¶þ²¿·Ö ¾«²ÊÉ¢ÎÄ 7. How to Grow OldÔõÑù±äÀÏ 8. A Mother'S Letter to the WorldһλĸÇ×д¸øÊÀ½çµÄÐÅ 9. Songs from Father°Ö°Ö½ÌÎҵĸè 10. Dad's Kiss¸¸Ç×µÄÎÇ 11. Without a NightlightÎÞµÆÖ®Ò¹ 12. The Value of FriendshipÓÑÒêµÄ¼ÛÖµ 13. My Left FootÎÒµÄ×ó½Å 14. Wish upon a StarÐÇÓïÐÄÔ¸ 15. Pay All the Love¸¶³öËùÓеİ® 16. What History Means to MeÀúÊ·¶ÔÎÒÒâζ×Åʲô µÚÈý²¿·Ö Ãû¼ÒÑݽ² 17. Speech at Tsinghua UniversityÔÚÇ廪´óѧµÄÑݽ² 18. Look to the Future·ÅÑÛδÀ´ 19. The Declaration of Independence¶ÀÁ¢ÐûÑÔ 20. Run Freely×ÔÓɱ¼ÅÜ 21. The DNA of Success³É¹¦µÄDNA 22. On Achieving Success¹ØÓÚ»ñµÃ³É¹¦ 23. Young Children and Moral DiscriminationsÓ׶ùºÍµÀµÂÅбðÁ¦ 24. London's Presentation to Host the 2012 Olympic GamesÂ׶ØÉê°ì2012Äê°ÂÔË»áµÄ³ÂÊö±¨¸æ µÚËIJ¿·Ö ¾µä¶Ô°× 25. Gone with the Wind¡¶ÂÒÊÀ¼ÑÈË¡·½ÚÑ¡ 26. The Sound of Music<ÒôÀÖÖ®Éù¡·½ÚÑ¡ 27. Roman Holiday¡¶ÂÞÂí¼ÙÈÕ¡·½ÚÑ¡ µÚÎ岿·Ö ±¨¿¯ÎÄÕª 28. Wall Street and World Stock Prices in Many Partsof the Main Reasons for Sharp Decline»ª¶û½ÖÒÔ¼°ÊÀ½çÐí¶àµØÇøµÄ¹ÉƱ¼Û¸ñ¼±¾çϵøµÄÖ÷ÒªÔÒò 29. How do the Troops Usually Make Use of a True War Drill¾ü¶Ó¾³£ÔõÑùÀûÓÃʵսÑÝÏ° 30. The Housing Market of Overheating¹ýÈȵķ¿µØ²úÊг¡ 31. The viewpoint Discrepancy Is Getting Bigger and Bigger Between the Best¡ªeducated People and the Worst-educated PeopleÊܹý×îºÃºÍ×î²î½ÌÓýµÄÈËÃÇ¿´·¨²îÒìÔ½À´Ô½´ó 32. The Devastated American immigration SystemÃÀ¹úÒÆÃñÖƶÈǧ´¯°Ù¿× 33. Be Willing to the¡°Bioqraphy Authors of Fanny Kemble¡±¿Ï²¼¶ûµÄ´«¼Ç×÷ÕßÃÇ 34. The Writer August Wilson×÷¼Ò°Â¹Å˹ÌØ¡¤Íþ¶ûÑ· 35. See the Shopping as New Political Activity°Ñ¹ºÎï¿´³ÉÊÇÒ»ÖÖеÄÕþÖλ µÚÁù²¿·Ö ÃûƪÐÀÉÍ 36. Wuthering Heights¡¶ºôХɽׯ¡·½ÚÑ¡ 37. Tulip¡¶Óô½ðÏã¡·½ÚÑ¡ 38. Pride and Prejudice¡¶°ÁÂýÓëÆ«¼û¡·½ÚÑ¡ µÚÆß²¿·Ö Ô¢ÑÔ¹ÊÊ 39. The Farmer's DonkeyÅ©·òµÄ¿×Ó 40. A Boy and His TreeÄк¢ºÍÊ÷ 41. A Clever Horse´ÏÃ÷µÄÂí 42 The Sick Lion²¡Ê¨ 43. The Lion and the Bullʨ×Ӻ͹«Å£ 44. Seek Small Gains But only Lead to Big Losses̰Сʧ´ó 45. A Conversation Between a Snail and a Fresh Water MusselÂÝ°öÏàÓï 46. The Golden¡°Apple¡±in Computer Industry£ºSteve JobsµçÄÔÒµÖеĽðÆ»¹û£ºÊ·µÙÎÄ¡¤ÇDz¼Ë¹ 47. Guy de Maupassant£ºthe Secret of WritingĪ²´É££º×÷¼ÒÊÇÔõÑùÁ¶³ÉµÄ 48. The Distant Past of Jane Austin×·Òä¼ò¡¤°Â˹͡ 49. The Best Actor Ever£ºMarlon Brando¡°½Ì¸¸¡±ÂíÁú-°×À¼¶È 50. A Fair Lady Forever£ºAudrey HepburnÌìʹÔÚÈ˼䣺°Â÷ìÀö¡¤ºÕ±¾