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发表于 2016-09-20 12:04
Alipay, China’s major third-party payment service, announced it will start charging fees for transferring more than 20,000 yuan ($3,000) to bank accounts.
作为中国最重要的第三方支付平台,支付宝日前也宣布将对个人用户超出免费额度的提现收取相应服务费,个人用户每人累计享有2万元(约合3000美元)基础免费提现额度。 The new policy that takes effect on Oct. 12 said Alipay users need to pay a fee of 0.1 percent when they transfer money from the app’s built-in digital wallet to a bank account. 支付宝表示,今后用户从应用程序中自带的电子钱包提现到银行卡需要按提现金额的0.1%支付服务费。这项新规将于10月12日开始正式实施。 The charge will be levied on withdrawals above the threshold, with the minimum fee for each transfer set at 0.1 yuan. 这笔服务费是建立在超出免费额度的部分之上收取,单笔服务费不到0.1元的则按照0.1元收取。 Run by Alibaba’s financial affiliate Ant Financial, the popular app now enables users to make inter-bank transfers and to Alipay accounts free of charge. 作为阿里巴巴蚂蚁金服旗下的支付平台,支付宝目前支持用户免费跨行转账以及支付宝账户之间转账。 With more than 450 million active users, Alipay said its new policy is due to "rapidly increase operating costs". 作为拥有4.5亿活跃用户的支付平台,支付宝坦言之所以进行规则调整是因为“综合运营成本上升太快”。 According to the new policy, the money transferred between Alibaba’s online investment fund Yu’ebao and Alipay will continue to be free of charge. 根据最新推出的新规,余额宝到支付宝之间的转账将继续免费。 Alipay is not the first e-wallet to charge fees. In March, popular mobile messaging software WeChat also began charging 0.1 percent for money transfers over 1,000 yuan. 事实上,并不是只有支付宝一家支付平台收取服务费。另外一款移动通讯软件微信早就在3月份开始收取手续费,每位用户只享有1000元的免费提现额度。 |
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